“You can`t keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps because you`ve chosen to install Windows 10 using a different language than you`re currently using.” (Solved) How to fix Windows 10 Administrator account temporary profile [DISM] /apply-image error 13 'The data is invalid' [F...
Windows 11Windows 10 选择的显示语言会更改 Windows 功能使用的默认语言,例如"设置"和"文件资源管理器"。 选择"开始">设置>">时间和语言>语言和区域"。 从Windows 显示语言菜单中选择一种语言,或者,在首选语言旁边,选择"添加语言以安装所需的语言(如果未列出)。
Windows client edition upgrade Deploy Windows 10 with Microsoft 365 Understand the Unified Update Platform Windows Update log files Servicing stack updates Update CSP policies Update other Microsoft products Delivery Optimization reference Features on Demand and language packs ...
I deploy windows 10 Enterprise 1809 in my company with CMCB. My basic ISO is in French and I need to add the language en-US. In my task sequence I tried to add the LP en-US Offline and Online with DISM. The installation is completed successfully but in the language settings, the lan...
You can use the Office language options to add a language, to choose the UI display language, and to set the authoring and proofing language.The language options are in the Set the Office Language Preferences section of the Office Options dialog box, which yo...
Install Windows. Copy the language pack (.cab) file to an accessible location in the installed Windows operating system. Do not expand the LP.cab file. Run Lpksetup in one of the following ways: At a command-line prompt, type Lpksetup. The Install or Uninstall Display Languages window ...
Add a Language Pack to a Windows Image describes how to add a new language pack to an offline Windows image. Configure International Settings describes how to use DISM to change the default display language and configure other international settings in a Windows image.For...
The Install or Uninstall Display Languages window appears. Follow the instructions to complete the installation. The language is installed to the computer. From a command line, run sysprep /oobe to prepare the computer for the end-user or sysprep /oobe /generalize to prepare the Windows ...
The first thing we'll do is display a simple message box when the form is loaded (see Figure 5). You can get InfoPath to create the form-loading event by clicking Tools | Programming | Loading Event from the design view of the form. Add the code to show the message box to the ...
10/30/2012 In this article To add a language pack using DISM To use the Lpksetup tool on a running operating system To run Lpksetup.exe during an unattended installation See Also Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 Note