1ukastesar / homeassistant-addons 3550 / addons 4nx / addons 5V715 / hassio-addons abates / addons ablyler / addons abrincon / addons acesyde / hassio-addons ADABman / hassio-addons adamgoodbar / hassio-addons-1 adamgreg / hassio-addons ada...
访问 Home Assistant:在外网使用动态绑定的域名打开 Home Assistant。如果在 logs 中出现绑定成功的日志信息,即可使用域名进行远程访问。配置证书授权(CA):在 Duck DNS 插件上设置 lets_encrypt 为 true,然后在 configuration.yaml 文件中添加 https 相关代码,重启树莓派以启用 https 访问。调整端口号...
Home Assistant Addons This is a repository of Home Assistant addons that I find useful. I make no promise to update, bug fix, or continue supporting any of these addons. I created them because they are useful to me. Feel free to fork and modify them as you see fit. If you want to...
HA 社区商店HACS全名:Home Assistant Community Store ,是一个自定义组件,提供非HomeAssistant官方提供的各种自定义模块的管理,包括自定义组件(集成)、自定义 Lovelace 插件和自定义前端主题风格(Themes)等等,HACS 可以理解为 HomeAssistant 的第三方应用商店。 1. 在线安装 HACS 网站建议用SSH命令行的方式安装,对于国内...
上篇我们介绍了设置自定义参数,这篇将介绍如何添加HomeBridge功能,这样就可以通过Siri控制Home Assistant里面的设备了。 1. 首先点击左侧http://Hass.io并选择右上角第一个图标。 2. 输入网址:https://github.com/hassio-addons/repository,并点击SAVE。
安装Duck Dns可以实现远程访问Home Assistant 安装Duck DNS插件方式跟安装SSH Server方式差不多。 2. 进入安装界面,点击OPEN进入Duck DNS配置界面。 3. 点击下面的START开启Duck DNS服务。 4. 申请Duck DNS 4.1. 进入Duck DNS官网。 4.2. 点击上面的注册或者登入按钮,注册完进行登入。
Home Assistant allows anyone to create add-on repositories to share their add-ons for Home Assistant easily. This repository is one of those repositories, providing extra Home Assistant add-ons for your installation.The primary goal of this project is to provide you (as a Home Assistant user)...
Can Home Assistant control WIFI bulbs? The yeelight integration allows you to control your Yeelight Wi-Fi bulbs with Home Assistant. There is support for the following device types within Home Assistant: Light – The Yeelight platform for supporting lights. Binary Sensor – The Yeelight platform fo...
supports: 'on/off',fromZigbee: [fz.on_off],toZigbee: [tz.on_off],endpoint: (device) => ...