getent group docker 如果docker组存在,你将看到类似以下的输出: text docker:x:999: 这里的999是docker组的GID(组标识符),但通常你不需要手动使用这个ID,因为后续命令会直接使用组名docker。 3. 将用户添加到Docker组 假设你要将用户your_username添加到docker组,你可以使用usermod命令,并加上-aG选项来追加用...
First check if the docker group already exists on your Ubuntu system: grep docker /etc/group If the group already in there, add the user to the docker group using theusermodcommand. usermod -aG docker user_name Make sure you replace theuser_namewith your own. To add yourself (the curre...
First check if the docker group already exists on your Ubuntu system: grep docker /etc/group 1. If the group already in there, add the user to the docker group using theusermodcommand. usermod -aG docker user_name 1. Make sure you replace theuser_namewith your own. To add yourself (...
When I create a machine on Ubuntu, the default ssh user is not added to the docker group (usermod -a -G docker <ssh-user>) and therefore when I do docker-machine ssh vm and type docker ps it doesn't work. Is it a deliberate decision or j...
# create nginx user/group first, to be consistent throughout docker variants && addgroup --system --gid 101 nginx \ && adduser --system --disabled-login --ingroup nginx --no-create-home --home /nonexistent --gecos "nginx user" --shell /bin/false --uid 101 nginx \ && groupadd -...
Docker Desktop docker,linux howl201(Howl201)January 24, 2023, 4:07am1 There is something you don’t know about adding users while writing dockerfile To add a user, use the adduser or useradd command. I don’t know how to specify the password ...
$ usermod -aG sudo username To add the user 'jack' to the sudoers group, execute the command: $ usermod -aG sudo jack Next, verify if the user 'jack' belongs to the sudo group using the command: $ groups jack or $ id jack ...
Docker’s goal is to create a world-class product experience for our customers. We want to build a robust product that will help all teams achieve their goals. In line with that, we’ve tried to simplify the process of onboarding your team into the Docker ecosystem with our Bulk User ...
sudo addgroup newgroup 这条命令将创建一个名为newgroup的新用户组。 问题2:如何将一个用户添加到现有的用户组? 代码语言:txt 复制 sudo usermod -aG newgroup username 这条命令将用户username添加到newgroup用户组中。-aG选项表示追加用户到指定的组。