工程文件:[2018-02-09-fishes.rar](https://github.com/qianguyihao/web-resource/blob/main/project/2018-02-09-fishes.rar) ## 我的公众号 7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions 7 02-CSS基础/14-CSS3属性详解:Web字体.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -157,9 ...
git config --global user.email "your_email@youremail.com" git config --global credential.helper cache 6. Uploading your project, go to your root directory of your project, and perform: git init git add . git commit -m "init" git remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<projectname...
Sign in to your organization (https://dev.azure.com/{yourorganization}). Select Organization settings. Select Users > Add users. Enter the following information. Users: Enter the email addresses (Microsoft accounts) or GitHub usernames of the users. You can add multiple email address...
使用GitHub步骤: 1、申请GitHub帐户 xxx ,创建名为new-project的新Repository 2、安装Git客户端(Linux) #yum install git git-gui 3、 生成密钥对,这样项目可以push到 GitHub上 #ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxx@gmail.com" 4、将.ssh/id_rsa.pub拷贝到GitHub网站 5、为了方便,设置ssh不输入口令 # eval `ssh...
There are several ways to install packages. There's a built-in command line and graphical user interface for a package manager in Visual Studio and Visual Studio for Mac. You can manually add package references to your project file, or you can install them through a command-line interface (...
npm login is an alias to adduser and behaves exactly the same way.ConfigurationregistryDefault: "https://registry.npmjs.org/" Type: URLThe base URL of the npm registry.scopeDefault: the scope of the current project, if any, or "" Type: String...
Not all pick lists are defined in the same way. Some lists are defined through the user interface, the workflow for a WIT, or by adding user accounts to a project as indicated in the following table. WIT definitionCommand line change (On-premises XML process) ...
Even in the free version of GitHub, project managers can add unlimited collaborators to private or public projects. In this post, we’ll show you how to add Collaborators to your repository using the UI, a cURL CLI command, and the GitHub CLI. Blink Automation: Add a Collaborator to a ...
https://github.com/SharePoint/PnP/tree/dev/Samples/Core.AppScriptPartPersonalized UI elementsThe Branding.UIElementPersonalization sample shows how to use embedded JavaScript and values stored in user profiles and SharePoint lists to personalize UI elements on the host web. It also uses HTML5 ...
After you complete the wizard, the generator creates the project and installs supporting Node components.Insert a range of textIn this step of the tutorial, you'll programmatically test that your add-in supports the user's current version of Word, and then insert a paragraph into the document...