“ Work overtime是“加班”最常见的英语说法,也可以直接讲它的缩写 “OT”,有人把加班说成extra work,是不准确的,额外工作不一定就得加班,加班也不一定是额外工作。 例: They'redoing/working overtime to get the job finished on time. 他们加班...
She gets up early to go to work. 她起得很早去上班。 He drives to work every morning. 他每天早上开车去上班。 2.start work 表示“开始工作”,通常指某一天的工作开始。 与“go to work”相比,它更侧重于工作的开始,而不是前往...
“Work overtime是“加班”最常见的英语说法,也可以直接 讲它的缩写 “OT”,有人把加班说成extra work,是不准确的,额外工作不一定就得加班,加班也不一定是额外工作。 例: They're working overtime to get the job done on time. 他们加班是为了准时完成工作。 You must know our working hours are very ...
He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job. 他会无偿地加班把一件工作完成。 “加班费”英语怎么说? 领“加班费”可能是“加班”唯一让人开心的事情了。什么,你们连加班费都没有?那先学习一下“加班费”的英文表达,overtime pay。 例句: Evelyn was working up to 70 hours a week with ...
You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent. 你必须知道我们的工作时长非常长,并且加班非常频繁。 Overtime pay 加班费 有些公司会给相应的加班费,小伙伴们面试时和HR沟通的时候可以提前询问加班程度如何、是否有应得的加班费。毕竟劳动与报酬、权益与义务之间的问题要清楚划分...
③stay up这是一个非常简单的表达,表示很晚才睡,可能是因为加班、写作业,也可能是因为看球赛、打游戏等等。在美剧《破产姐妹》S1E9里,Max抱怨自己加班加点做蛋糕时就用到了这个表达:Max: Great. I'm going home tonight after my ten-hour waitress shift, to stay up all night and bake 100 cupcakes for...
Please explain this headline: When things don’t add up. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash My comments: A story with this headline addresses a situation where things don’t make sense. Something’s wrong, in other words. While it is not clear exactly what the situation or issue is, it’s pr...
When things don’t add up? 哪里不对劲?Reader question:Please explain this headline: When things don’t add up.Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash My comments:A story with this headline addresses a situation where things don’t make sense.Something’s wrong, in other words.While it is not clear...
Both employers and employees can promote a healthier work environment. Don't let your work environment affect your health for eight hours of the day. Break up your work day. Get up, stretch, and move. Regular movement throughout the day will keep your mind and body flexible and help avoid...
Set up the Azure Stack Hub admin environment in PowerShell Use this example to scale out the scale set. PowerShell ### Scale out the AppService Role instances ### Set context to AzureStack admin.Connect-AzAccount-EnvironmentNameAzureStackAdmin## Name of the Resource group where AppService ...