Set-CMOperatingSystemInstaller Set-CMOrchestrationGroup Set-CMPackage Set-CMPackageDeployment Set-CMProgram Set-CMQuery Set-CMQueryResultMaximum Set-CMRemoteConnectionProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMReportingServicePoint Set-CMScript Set-CMScriptDeploymentType Set-CMSecurityRole Set-CMSecurityRolePermission Set...
Set-CMOperatingSystemInstaller Set-CMOrchestrationGroup Set-CMPackage Set-CMPackageDeployment Set-CMProgram Set-CMQuery Set-CMQueryResultMaximum Set-CMRemoteConnectionProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMReportingServicePoint Set-CMScript Set-CMScriptDeploymentType Set-CMSecurityRole Set-CMSecurityRolePermission Set...
ensure that you have set the compatibility mode correctly. Right-click the installer, choose “Properties”, go to the “Compatibility” tab, and set it to run in compatibility mode for Windows 7 or 8. Run as administrator by right-clicking the installer and choosing“Run as administr...
注册表项名称Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Uninstall ADMX 文件名AddRemovePrograms.admx NoAddFromCDorFloppy 展开表 范围版本适用的操作系统 ❌ 设备 ✅ 用户✅ 专业版 ✅ 企业版 ✅ 教育版 ✅ Windows SE ✅ IoT 企业版/IoT 企业版 LTSC✅Windows 10版本2004,KB5005101[10.0....
使用此 cmdlet 将 Windows Installer (MSI) 部署类型添加到应用程序。备注 从Configuration Manager 站点驱动器运行 Configuration Manager cmdlet,例如 PS XYZ:\>。 有关详细信息,请参阅 入门。示例示例1:添加部署类型此命令将名为 DTMsi 的Windows Installer 部署类型从指定位置添加到名为 testMsi 的应用程序。 此...
If you need to download Mozilla extensions as zip or xpi files for testing with other tools or if you just have to view their content, XPI Downloader is the tool you need. Standalone Installer is a trusted name that helps you downloader loads of useful online tools without having to spend...
To add Microsoft Store games to Steam in Windows 11/10 PC, you need to locate the game first. IN most cases, you can find it in the AppData folder. Then, you need to find the manifest of the game. To access it, you need to have the correct permission. Following that, you must ...
Free Utility: Windows Installer CleanUp Utility Troubleshoot Messaging Integration in SharePoint A Sneak Peek at Remote Management in Windows PowerShell 2.0 Use VBExpress to Open a File Open Dialog Box in Windows Vista Image Capture, Migration with Windows Deployment Services (WDS) ...
To interact with the user's document, the add-in needs to declare what permission it needs in the manifest. A five-level JavaScript API access-permissions model provides the basis for privacy and security for users of task pane add-ins. The majority of the add-ins in the Office Store are...
下载Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable Microsoft .NET Framework 4 或 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 客户端配置文件 注意.NET 4.0.3 – 运行时更新是一个可面向的框架,是针对 .NET Framework 4 生成的。 此更新不是完全累积的框架版本。 l 有关 Windows Installer 的详细信息,请访问以下 Microsoft 网站: ...