Git提供了几种credential helper,如store、cache和manager等。这里我们以store为例,它会将credential保存在磁盘上,直到您手动删除。 bash git config --global credential.helper store 这条命令会告诉git使用store作为credential helper。 3. 运行git credential-store命令以添加token 接下来,您需要运行git credential-st...
Context Gitlab plugin version: 1.3.0 Gitlab version: 8.10.4 Jenkins version: 2.7.2 Problem description When I attempt to add a "GitLab API Token" as a credential under the "Git" section of Source Code Management when configuring a job, a...
【问题解决】IDEA 更新代码总是提示token验证。Add GitLab Account 规格严格-功夫到家 粉丝-151关注 -971 +加关注
方式一(IDEA通过git命令) 1.打开idea后,在最下方找到Terminal,点击; 或者直接Alt+F12也可以进入 2.在出来的命令行界面输入:git branch 该命令查看本地有哪些分支:我这边之后master和V3_xieyue20201013 3.输入git branch -a 该命令查看远程的所有分支:再次输入q退出远程分支查看; 4.切换develop远程分支,输入:git ...
Abdulkadir Cemiloğlu on a discussion#1047 (comment 1607180986): Hi Lison. I didn't actually solved anything. Just created new token and send it exact api on the postman with Auth header and as documentation says PRIVATE-token. So problem still ...
Motivation In KSP-CKAN/CKAN#3661 we added the ability to index mods hosted on GitLab. This included the ability to provide a GitLab authentication token from the command line, but the Inflator isn'...
1.Idea工程上传至gitlab 2.gitlab项目下载到Idea 3.退出git上传 准备工作 如果没有下载git并在Idea中配置,如果下载了并配置好了即可跳过。 需要进行如下工作,按图点击进入git配置选项: 如果自己在电脑上下载了git,则可以在 Path to Git executable 中选择我们下载的git中对应的git.exe,再点击 Test ,Idea会自动...
I also have the same problem. Gitlab version if 16.8.1 curl--requestGET"PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>""" results in 200 and a valid json: {"id":101,"name":"vscode","revoked":false,"created_at":"2024-06-01T09:35...
Funny bug where if a first token is also the last token (index 0) then we will fail to get the next token as it checks for "None". This adds a test case to ensure we took care of that edge case. brndysgit requested review from zachgk and a team as code owners October 17, 202...
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