HRESULT AddWordsToWordList( HRECOWORDLIST hwl, WCHAR *pwcWords ); 参数hwl单词列表的句柄。pwcWords要添加到单词列表的字词。 用 \0 字符分隔此列表中的单词,并在列表末尾添加两个 \0 个字符。 不会添加列表中已存在的单词。返回值此函数可以返回其中一个值。展开...
AddWordsToWordList FunctionAdds one or more words to the word list.Syntax[C++]複製 HRESULT WINAPI AddWordsToWordList( HRECOWORDLIST hwl, WCHAR *pwcWords ); Parametershwl[in] Handle to the word list.pwcWords[in] Words to add to the word list. Separate words in this list with a \0...
示例#1 Adding a word to a PWL <?php$filename = './my_word_list.pwl';$word = 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious';$broker = enchant_broker_init();$dict = enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict($broker, $filename);enchant_dict_add($dict, $word);enchant_broker_free($broker);?> 参见 ench...
Adds a single string to theWordListobject. Definition Visual Basic .NETPublic SubAdd( _ ByValsAsString_ ) C#publicvoidAdd( strings ); Managed C++public:voidAdd( String*s ); Parameters sSystem.String. The string to add to theWordListobject. ...
list.add(str); } }returnlist; }publicbooleanisExit(String word,char[][] board){char[] ch =word.toCharArray();charfirst = ch[0];for(inti = 0; i < board.length; i++){for(intj = 0; j < board[0].length; j++){if(board[i][j] ==first ){ ...
[API set: WordApi 1.3] Examples TypeScript複製 // Link to full sample: This example starts a new list with the second => {constparagraphs: ...
load(propertyNames?: string | string[]): Word.ListTemplate; Parameters propertyNames string | string[] A comma-delimited string or an array of strings that specify the properties to load. Returns Word.ListTemplate load(propertyNamesAndPaths) Note...
在Word: Office.SelectionMode.Selected 选择绑定中的所有内容。 Office.SelectionMode.None 对于文本绑定,将光标移到文本开头;对于矩阵绑定和表绑定,选择第一个数据单元格(不是表格标题行中的第一个单元格)。 示例 TypeScript 复制 // Go to a binding by id (Word and Excel) // The following example shows...
Enter the information for each list item. You must enter information if the column label has an asterisk*next to it. It's possible to copy and paste several items at once, for example from a Word table or Excel range. Make sure all values match their column ...
Go toInsert>Text Box, and then select one of the pre-formatted text boxes from the list, selectMore Text Boxes from, or selectDraw Text Box. If you selectDraw Text Box, click in the document, and then drag to draw the text box the size that you want. ...