您可以為喜歡或者感覺有用的代碼點讚,您的評價將有助於係統推薦出更棒的TypeScript代碼示例。 示例1: require ▲點讚 9▼ ( { context, require, cache, detached } ) => {if( !cache.object3d ) {constTHREE = require ('THREE')letlights =newTHREE.Object3D () cache.object3d = lightsletl// Sk...
usingWinRT; [ComImport] [InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)] [Guid("912b34a7-d10b-49c4-af18-7cb7e604e01a")]publicinterfaceICoreWebView2Interop{// IDL: HRESULT AddHostObjectToScript([in] LPCWSTR name, [in] VARIANT* object);voidAddHostObjectToScript([In]stringname, [In]...
Create a simple web application by using ASP.NET Core and TypeScript, add TypeScript code, run the app, and debug with breakpoints.
TypeScript 复制 // The following code example uses the select function to retrieve a binding with the id "cities" from // the Bindings collection, and then calls the addHandlerAsync method to add an event handler for the // dataChanged event of the binding. function addBindingDataChangedEvent...
TypeScript 复制 // The following example initializes the add-in and then gets properties of the // Document object that are available in the context of a Project document. // A Project document is the opened, active project. To access members of the // ProjectDocument object, use the ...
TypeScript 复制 // The following example initializes the add-in and then gets properties of the // Document object that are available in the context of a Project document. // A Project document is the opened, active project. To access members of the // ProjectDocument object, use the ...
TypeScript Copy // Get the Document object with the Common APIs. const document : Office.Document = Office.context.document; PropertiesExpand table bindings Gets an object that provides access to the bindings defined in the document. customXmlParts Gets an object that represents the custom XML...
You can add objects of any data type to an array using the assignment operator. Add Items and Objects to an Array Using the push() Function in JavaScript To add items and objects to an array, you can use the push() function in JavaScript. The push() function adds an item or object ...
All I wanted to do was map an objects values. Ended up being way more annoying than it should have been. Does anyone know a better way? It's annoying thatObject.entriesreturns[string, T]and not a keyof type since you know the first element in each of the array elements is a keyof ...