If you want the result to be a stream of the JSON objects, you could tack on [] or change transpose | map(add) to transpose[] | add Caveats (1) The above solution will work even if some colors have spaces in their names, but in general it may be necessary to pass in the conten...
From the Azure portal, open theCloud Shellby selecting its icon in the toolbar next to the search text box and ensure that you're running a Bash session. Run the following command in Cloud Shell to set the working directory to the one hosting the GitHub repository you fetched in...
```bash bun install ``` To run: ```bash bun run index.ts ``` This project was created using `bun init` in bun v1.1.18. [Bun](https://bun.sh) is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime. 24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions 24 examples/ink-playground/address.ts Original file...
To test the function with the function key, open a command prompt and run cURL to send an HTTP request to the function URL. Replace <your-function-key> with the function key value you saved, and replace <your-https-url> with the URL of your function. Bash Copy curl ...
/bin/bash#Description: Check the latest release version and URL format#Get latest release versionLATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/releases/latest|jq -r'.tag_name')echo"Latest version:$LATEST_VERSION"#Verify URL format and accessibility...
But that not work when I add a string which contain awhitespaceto array. It splits the string into two items. #!/usr/bin/env bashstr1="hello"str2="world"# ❌# strs="$str1\ $str2"# strs="$str1'\ '$str2"strs="$str1$str2"arr=() ...
By default, there are a few plugins enabled, such asgitandbashmark.We can add morepluginsby extending thepluginsarrayin~/.bashrc: ... plugins=( git bashmark golang npm aws ) ... These plugins add enhancements and cosmetics to the command prompt to provide feedback. For instance, when ...
Problem: I have a bash array. For each element in the bash array, I want to update a JSON array.The JSON looks like the below. I am wanting to update the fruit array."foods": { "perishable": { "fruit": [] I'll get an array of length n, for example:fruit_array=("banana" ...
In addition, if we have multiple JSON files like post-1.json, post-2.json, and so on, we can write a simple shell script to add them to posts: #!/bin/bash blog="$(<blog.json)" for json in post-*.json; do blog="$(echo "$blog" | jq --argjson p "$(<$json)" '.posts...
BASHcopy $ node-gyp configure build Function arguments Addons will typically expose objects and functions that can be accessed from JavaScript running within Node.js. When functions are invoked from JavaScript, the input arguments and return value must be mapped to and from the C/C++ code. ...