Add 是添加的意思,dictionary 是字典的意思,to 是介词,把什么到哪里
Define add to. add to synonyms, add to pronunciation, add to translation, English dictionary definition of add to. Verb 1. add to - have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries" increase - become bigger or greater in amount; "The amount of work inc
The meaning of ADD TO is to make (something) larger, better, or greater. How to use add to in a sentence.
Paul Du Quenoy,Newsweek, 10 Jan. 2025See all Example Sentences foradd to this/that Dictionary Entries Nearadd to this/that add to add to this/that adduce See More Nearby Entries Cite this Entry Style “Add to this/that.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam...
my_dictionary = { "one": 1, "two": 2 } my_dictionary.update({"three":3}) print(my_dictionary)Copy Use this method to add new items or to append a dictionary to an existing one. Method 3: Using dict() Constructor Thedict()constructor allows creating a new dictionary and adding a ...
Add to Python Dictionary Using theAssignment Operator You can use the=assignment operator to add a new key to a dictionary: dict[key]=value Copy If a key already exists in the dictionary, then the assignment operator updates, or overwrites, the value. ...
To constitute; amount to:The revisions added up to a lot of work. [Middle Englishadden, from Latinaddere:ad-,ad-+dare,to give; seedō-inIndo-European roots.] add′a·ble,add′i·bleadj. ADD abbr. attention deficit disorder American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
To add a dictionary You can add additional dictionary files to Designer to suit your needs. That is, if you want to expand the list of correctly spelled words that Designer refers to when spell checking a form, you can add one or more custom dictionary files (*.clam) for a specific ...
At first, you will have to create a custom dictionary. To do so, open Notepad or any othertext editoron your computer. Then, write down all the words one per line. Click on File > Save As and choose your location to save it. Give it a name with .dic extension (e.g., mycustomdi...
How to add a dictionary in adobe acrobat reader app for android. Paihar_pushpendra New Here , Jul 16, 2015 Copy link to clipboard Like IOS App iBook there is a feature , if u don't the meaning of any word u can just hold that word for 2-3 sec...