例如,如果您的OpenCV安装在/usr/local/opencv下,那么安装前缀路径就是/usr/local/opencv。 2. 打开CMake配置文件 使用文本编辑器打开您的CMake配置文件(通常是CMakeLists.txt)。这个文件位于您的项目根目录下。 3. 在CMake配置文件中找到cmake_prefix_path变量 如果您的CMake配置文件中尚未设置cmake_prefix_path...
After installation in /usr/loca/bin/ollama there were permission issues when starting it as a service under the ollama user. I don't think that has anything to do with the code on this branch though. Still looking into it in issue #1979 . remy415 marked this pull request as ready ...
To install zlib-ng system-wide using the configure script: ```sh make install ``` ### CPack After building with cmake, an installation package can be created using cpack. By default a tgz package is created, but you can append `-G <format>` to each command to generate alternative ...
of the following names: cv_bridgeConfig.cmake cv_bridge-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "cv_bridge" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "cv_bridge_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "cv_bridge" provides a separate development package or...
environment. In addition, two env variablesCONDA_HOMEandOPENCV_DIRare set and exported, you will see them throughout the article, change them as required to fit your needs. Note also that Conda will create and export an env variable namedCONDA_PREFIX, which points to the active Conda ...
ofxCv Alternative approach to interfacing with OpenCv from openFrameworks. committed on 2 February, 2015 fixed contour finder HS mode bug, closes #146 armadillu ofxHistoryPlot Visualize value history on a configurable graph committed on 2 February, 2015 remove the color inheritance, fix some color...
i'm on macos sierra 10.12.6, and after i following the tuturials and run cmd: go run ./cmd/version/main.go, i got the following error message: pkg-config --cflags -- opencv Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perh...
This is the first frame of the sequence so you can get an idea of the sensitivity of the system. 0) Install Ubuntu 22.04 I used Ubuntu-Mate. Customize it as you see fit. It has also been tested on Ubuntu 20.04, with differences in the installation commands pointed out when you'll ...
for installation ## in contrast to setup.py, you can choose the destination # install(PROGRAMS # scripts/my_python_script # DESTINATION ${CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION} # ) ## Mark executables and/or libraries for installation # install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}_node # ...
OPENCV=1 == Enable OpenCV support POSTFIX=name == String added to the name of the the build (default: '') Install Options: PREFIX=path == install/uninstall prefix (default: /usr/local/) SHAREDIR=path == path to install shared data files (default: PREFIX/share/mupen64plus) LIBDIR=pat...