<serviceAutoStartProviders>元素的<add>元素将提供程序添加到自动启动提供程序的集合中。 <serviceAutoStartProviders>元素指定当应用程序池的startMode属性设置为AlwaysRunning时,Windows 进程激活服务 (WAS) 将自动加载的托管程序集集合。 此集合允许开发人员指定在服务任何 HTTP 请求之前执行初始化任务的程序集。 例如,应用...
Service-Install 节条目和值 DisplayName=名字 为服务/驱动程序指定一个友好名称,通常为便于本地化,表示为 INF 文件的Strings节中定义的 %strkey% 标记。 描述=description-string (可选)指定描述服务的字符串,通常表示为 INF 文件的Strings节中定义的 %strkey% 标记。
public static void AutoStartTaskService(string taskName, string fileName, string description) { if (Utils.IsNullOrEmpty(taskName)) { return; } var logonUser = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; using var taskService = new Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.TaskService(); var tasks = taskService.Root...
64 (default) Autostart 128 Recurring[ @frequency_interval = ] frequency_intervalThe value to apply to the frequency set by @frequency_type. @frequency_interval is int, with a default of NULL.[ @frequency_relative_interval = ] frequency_relative_intervalThe date of the Distribution Age...
static autoStartWebServer() async { await const Duration(seconds: 2).delay(); var device = await getDeviceType(); if (Platform.isAndroid && device == Device.tv) { final SettingsService service = Get.find<SettingsService>(); if (!service.webPortEnable.value) { service.webPortEnable.value...
append(''); console.groupEnd(); } I have tried this but result in error: Object '0' has not method preventDefault $("[data-play-sound]").each( function (e) { ... if (soundFile != "") Play(e, soundFile); ... } ); function Play(e, mp3Path) { e.preventDefault(); ... ...
TOS Type of service *MINDELAY, *MAXTHRPUT, *MAXRLB, *MINCOST, *NORMAL Optional MTU Maximum transmission unit 576-16388, *LIND Optional AUTOSTART Autostart *YES, *NO Optional IFCID Interface ID 0000000000000001-FFFFFFFFFFFFFFEF, *LIND, *GEN Optional DADMAXTRN DAD maximum transmits 0-10, 1...
service.master.lock/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service.partymode.autostart/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service.scrobbler.lastfm/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service.scrobbler.librefm/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service.stinger.notification/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service.subsmangler/ - 2023-02-20 16:59 service....
service.library.data.provider/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service.libraryautoupdate/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service.librarywatchdog/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service.listenbrainz/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service.master.lock/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service.partymode.autostart/ - 2024-08-02 14:00 service....
I am trying to create a secure download web app with the following scenario. Anybody know how this can be achieved: 1) The user is given a one-time URL a) This one-time URL is stored in an Oracle DB m... AutoStart Kodi app on Android ...