servermanagercmd serverweroptin Network File System (NFS) 用サービスのコマンド リファレンス set environmental variables set shadow copy setx sfc shadow shift showmount shrink shutdown simulate restore sort start subst sxstrace sysocmgr systeminfo takeown tapicfg taskkill tasklist tcmsetup telnet tftp...
Windows.Common-Controls, Version=, Culture=*, PublicKeyToken=6595b64144ccf1df, ProcessorArchitecture=*, Type=win32'._[projectname] Could Not Find File C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\[database].mdb Could not find installable ISAM Could not find install...
#Install trzsz-ssh ( tssh ) in Windows Terminalscoop install tssh / winget install tssh / choco install tssh#Log in to the remote server using tssh. It works similar to ssh.tssh remote_server#Install trzsz-go on the remote server. Please check -S ...
I was trying to connect to Windows machine from Linux and found that it is blocked by default. WSL virtual NIC connection belongs to "Public" profile and almost all connections are forbidden. As workaround, I added following rule explici...
用新建好的系统账户和密码telnet 4、新建一个名为log的文件夹 5、复制a.vbs、b.vbs、c.bat、d.exe、e.exe文件到log文件夹中 6、运行a.vbs、b.vbs文件 7、安装Filezilla server 要求:通过写python脚本把上述步骤打包成一个安装包,然后把这个安装包通过批量部署的工具(puppet等)批量安装到windows...
aaa accounting telnet console Network_Security aaa local authentication attempts max-fail 3 http server enable http server idle-timeout 10 http server session-timeout 60 http int http int http int snmp-server hos...
Telnet Mode: https://apm-prod-server:8443/AppManager/xml/AddMonitor?apikey=aaaaaabbbbbbccccccddddddeeeeee&type=KVM&HostName=kvm-server&displayname=kvm&mode=TELNET&snmptelnetport=23&credentialID=3&timeout=40&AddVMS=2&TelnetCredentialDetails=cmTelnet ...
telnet <Windows_agent IP Address> 10050 Check Zabbix Agent Port on Windows Step 3: Add Zabbix Agent Monitored Windows Host to Zabbix Server 11.Once the windows agent has been tested from the command line and everything looks fine, go toZabbix Serverweb interface, move toConfigurationtab ->Hos...
第6节D37-6-telnet与ssh协议的区别于特点讲解 第7节D37-7-OpenSSH服务安装 第8节D37-8-ssh客户端命令介绍与实践 第9节D37-9-远程传输scp命令原理及核心参数实战讲解 第10节D37-10-远程传输sftp命令原理与实践讲解 第11节D37-11-远程终端工具无法连接服务器排查思路实践讲解 第12节D37-12-SSH服务核心配...
(new System.Windows.Forms.Binding("Text", this.dataSet11, "班级信息.年级")); this.txt5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(232, 48); this.txt5.Name = "txt5"; this.txt5.ReadOnly = true; this.txt5.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 21); this.txt5.TabIndex = 1; this.txt5....