We recommend setting the default language of Jira Service Management to match the native language of the majority of your customers.
JIRA has an undocumented "dev-status" API that is usual when JIRA is integrated with other tools like Stash (Bitbucket Server). For example: To get info about branches and pull requests related to an issue: https://{jiraHost}/rest/dev-status/latest/issue/detail?issueId={jiraIssueNumericId...
The Epic issue type and the other Epic fields (color, link, status, name) are not added by default to Jira Service Management screens.With this said, in order to link an Epic to an existing Service Management ticket, it’s necessary to add the field to the edit/view s...
In order to release all the user stories have to be complete and in a done status. To deploy a release, you would typically release the version in Jira Software, build the release, then deploy the release to the required environment. Navigate to your project. In the project ...
“Add-ons" > “Project Aid for Jira” > "Update issue key status "KEY-123 [Done]"" Any Jira ticket Id in the form of "KEY-123" will be updated on the current active google sheet and extended with the current status of matching Jira ticket. Sample Data: | Before | After | KEY-...
JIRA Product Managers If you create a workflow with a few steps, but don't add any transitions to them, no transitions can be added and the steps cannot be deleted once the workflow scheme is associated to a project, even if you make a draft workflow. As soon as you disassociate all ...
The Jira in Microsoft Edge extension also arranges a quick and easy way to track the status of Jira issues, view linked attachments and comments, and add comments and updates directly from any tab of your browser. ✔ JIRA QUICK MANAGEMENT Jira in Microsoft Edge extension provides you with ...
[jira] [Resolved] (HTTPCORE-663) add http status code 425 Oleg Kalnichevski (Jira)Wed, 27 Jan 2021 09:47:04 -0800 [https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HTTPCORE-663?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel] ...
> URL:https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IMPALA-11501> Project: IMPALA > Issue Type: New Feature > Components: Security > Reporter: Quanlong Huang > Assignee: Quanlong Huang > Priority: Critical > Fix For: Impala 4.4.0 > > > "REFRESH " and "INVALIDATE METADATA " are the table level...
Poleceniagit add,git statusigit commitsą używane wspólnie do zapisu migawki bieżącego stanu projektu Git. System Git dysponuje dodatkowym mechanizmem zapisu, zwanym schowkiem. To miejsce krótkotrwałego przechowywania zmian niegotowych do zatwierdzenia. Schowek działa na kat...