When"verify_ssl": false, SSL certificate verification is disabled within all OpenBB functions. Keyword arguments supplied to the"python_settings["uvicorn"]"dictionary are passed directly touvicorn.runwhen launching the API as: python -m openbb_core.api.rest_api openbb-api These items, insystem...
When you're prompted, specify a password for the export operation. When you upload your TLS/SSL certificate to App Service later, you must provide this password. If you used IIS orCertreq.exeto generate your certificate request, install the certificate to your local computer, and thenexport th...
When the operation completes, the certificate appears in the Managed certificates list. To provide security for a custom domain with this certificate, you still have to create a certificate binding. Follow the steps in Secure a custom DNS name with a TLS/SSL binding in Azure App Service.Import...
request to https://rhda.rhcloud.com/api/v4/analysis failed, reason: self signed certificate in certificate chain. Source: Red Hat Dependency Analysis First, is there a way to obtain VSCode's list of trusted certificates, so that at least I can progress in my investigation of this issue?
AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsBodyParam AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsdefaultResponse AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsMediaTypesParam AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsParameters AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCertificateActions AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCe...
:param client_authn_method: Methods that this client can use to authenticate itself. It's a dictionary with method names as keys and method classes as values. :param verify_ssl: Whether the SSL certificate should be verfied. :return: Client instance ...
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/file#当前虚拟机使用的私钥文件,一般是key文件 ssl_session_timeout time; #客户端连接可复用ssl session中缓存的有效时长,默认5m ssl_session_cache off | none | [builtin[:size]] [shared:name:size]; #配置ssl缓存 ...
AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsdefaultResponse AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsMediaTypesParam AppServiceCertificateOrdersResendRequestEmailsParameters AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCertificateActions AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCertificateActions200Response AppServiceCertificateOrdersRetrieveCert...
AddTagsToCertificate DeleteCertificate DescribeCertificate ExportCertificate GetCertificate ImportCertificate ListCertificates ListTagsForCertificate RemoveTagsFromCertificate RenewCertificate RequestCertificate ResendValidationEmail UpdateCertificateOptions APIGerbang Hal-hal mendasar Tindakan CreateDeployment Cr...
#这样http和https的链接都可以用,防止http请求发送到https端口后报400错误 #配置HTTPS的默认访问端口为443,443后面跟ssl listen 443 ssl; #配置证书绑定的域名 server_name cx.com; #以下属性中,以ssl开头的属性表示与证书配置有关。 #配置.pem文件地址(证书文件) ssl_certificate cert/1234522_cx.com.pem; #...