1. Within the editor, keep your cursor in between two sections and clickAdd section: 2. From the menu on the left, selectFooterand choose any footer template you like: 3. You can either insert a footer section to aparticular pageor add it toall pagesat once: If you can't see such ...
1. Firstly, you should apply a paragraph style to the chapter title that you want to insert as header or footer, in this example, my chapter title is styled as Heading 1, see screenshot: 2. Then clickInsert>Header / Footer,and choose one header or footer style, see screenshot: 3. A...
The footer is then unexpectedly mixed with the header. To avoid this, clear the content control in the footer before setting it, as shown in the following code sample. TypeScript複製 awaitWord.run(async(context) => {// Credit to https://github.com/barisbikmaz for this version of the wo...
We’ll add the call-to-action right above the regular footer section to avoid messing up the regular footer elements. To customize your footer in a similar way, click on the ‘List View’ button in the top left corner and select the ‘Group’ that nests all the footer elements together....
On the Header, Footer, or Legend tab, click the Left, Center, or Right tab. In the text box, type or paste the text, add the document or project information, or insert or paste a graphic. To add page numbers, click Insert Page Number , Insert Total Page Count , o...
section> <button class="ms-Button ms-Button--primary" id="insert-button" tabindex=0 disabled> <span class="ms-Button-label">Insert</span> </button> </main> <footer class="ms-landing-page__footer ms-bgColor-themePrimary"> <div class="ms-landing-page__footer--left"> <img src=".....
After a device is added byApple Configurator, it’s placed into a group named “Apple Configurator” in the Devices section in Apple Business Essentials. You can then assign the device to one of your MDM servers. After assigning a device to an MDM server, any settings assigned byApple Confi...
In theHeader and Footersection, click theHeaderorFooterdrop-down arrow. Select the desired option. Blankcreates a blank header or footer, into which you can insert whatever text or graphics you like. TheHeader & Footertab appears. ClickClose Header and Footerto return to the main body of the...
If the insertion point is not a header or footer and you are in the midst of a multipage section, then the section will add after the last page of the multipage section. 2= force same page. Note: It is not recommended that you forcibly insert a non-header or footer section onto...
Gets the body object of the section. This doesn't include the header/footer and other section metadata. TypeScript readonly body: Word.Body; Property Value Word.Body Remarks [API set: WordApi 1.1] context The request context associated with the object. This connects the add-in's process to...