addSearchPath先后顺序问题 Cocos2d-x Lua tym1193 (tym1193) 2016年04月13日 04:59 #1 求教quick-x中 CCFileUtils:sharedFileUtils():addSearchPath(“a/”); CCFileUtils:sharedFileUtils():addSearchPath(“b/”); 同名文件搜索优先级是怎么样的?1赞 yangtao19cs (yangtao19cs) 2016年04月13日 07:...
本来C++那边的FileUtils::addSearchPath(const std::string &path, const bool front=false)方法定义的挺人性化,传入第二个参数为true,就可以把新设置的路径放在路径搜索的前面,导出为Lua后,API也保留了这个特性,支持传入第二个参数: 于是你想当然地在Lua中这么用的时候,就傻眼了: cc.FileUtils:getInstance():ad...
larshg changed the title [PROJ4] Fix hardcoded paths [PROJ4] Add search path for sqlite.exe May 1, 2020 Contributor Author larshg commented May 1, 2020 Instead of modifying the existing search paths I just added the search path for the actual triplet folder. This should ensure that it...
Expose search paths as render settings for the render delegate: texture_searchpath osl_includepath procedural_searchpath plugin_searchpath
Adds a new path to theSearch Pathdialog box. The new path is added to the top of the list. TheEdit Search Pathdialog box is used to edit or replace an existing path displayed in theSearch Pathdialog box. To access theAdd Search Pathdialog box, click theAddbutton in theSearch Pathdialo...
To access the Add Search Path dialog box, click the Add button in the Search Path dialog box.To access the Edit Search Path dialog box, click the Edit button in the Search Path dialog box.Specify a folder Specifies the path to the folder to be searched or contains the path to be ...
Add Reference Search Path Dialog Box 發行項 2015/04/14 Use this dialog box to specify an additional directory path that the project system will search to resolve references to DLLs, assemblies, or modules in your application.To access this dialog box, click Add Path on the Framework and ...
Add Method of the SearchPathCollection Object项目 2009/11/24 Add Method of the SearchPathCollection ObjectAdds a directory to the search path collection. For example, if the directory parameter has the value "MyDir", this method adds the search path ".\Mydir" to the end of the collection ...
If that doesn't solve the problem, you have to add the path to the gstreamer headers to either the Header Search Paths or User Header Search Paths build setting in Xcode. Select your project from the project navigator on the left side of the project window to open the project editor. Se...
MATLAB 搜索 路径 管理 系统 Search Path Manager Version 1.0.2 (184 KB) by埃博拉酱 本工具箱面对的是多用户计算机的管理员,帮助管理员配置MATLAB路径,以便多个用户可以互不干扰地使用同一份MATLAB安装。 ...