If you add com.intellij.modules.lang to the plugin.xml it will on all intellij products like webstorm. Great plugin btw.
If I try to add Android SDK to my IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.1 then I get "No Java SDK of appropriate version found. In addition to the Android SDK, you need to define a JDK 1.5, 1.6 or 1.7" even I have added JDK 1.6 and 1.7 to my project structure. What's wrong with this?
I'm using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.2. Previously, when I tried to create a new project, the UI for picking the Python SDK would sometimes be missing. If I clicked on it, it would appear. If I pressed the button to add another Python SDK, it wouldn't do anything. The code was...
问题 构建IDEA插件项目时,发现需要 Add Intellij Platform Plugin SDK 解决方案 按照官方文档配置一遍SDK即可[https://jetbr...
Google在2013年I/O大会上发布了Android Studio,AndroidStudio是一个基于IntelliJ IDEA的Android开发工具。这个IDE要比eclipse智能很多,具体特性,请各位去官网查看介绍。 下面介绍一下Android Studio安装教程 Android SDK 代理配置: mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn镜像代理 端口号 80 ...
<condition property="modular-sdk.module-info.java.path" value="jb/tools/common/module-info-aarch64.java" else="java/module-info.java"> @@ -129,15 +104,18 @@ <target name="jar" depends="compile"> <mkdir dir="${out.path}"/> <echo message="${jcef.version}" file="${out.path}...
ture,打开。进入project目录,添加sdk,选择添加jdk,选择你安装jdk的目录即可。 tomcat的配置。 我们在下面的项目中进行tomcat的配置。 IDEA创建一个structs项目 接下来我们正式创建一个structs项目。 1)点击Create New Project。 在下载structsjar包的过程中,可能会失败,属于正常情况,多试几次就好了。。也可以使用自己的...
so I turned to use the Intellij with JDK8 bundled, then the problem was gone.You can verify ...
Select the build system that you want to use in your project: the native IntelliJ builder,Maven, orGradle. For Gradle, you will also need to select a language for the build script: Groovy or Kotlin. Select aJDKthat you want to use from theJDKlist. You can use the project SDK or spec...
Use the latest version of ArcGIS Maps SDK for Java to build apps that incorporate capabilities such as mapping, geocoding, routing, and spatial analysis, for deployment to Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.