I'm used to using this on debian and now I'm needing to use it on windows with PowerShell and I didn't find any other option.
PowerShell 複製 Add-SCVMHost [-VMHostGroup <HostGroup>] [-VMMServer <ServerConnection>] [-ComputerName] <String> [-MaintenanceHost <Boolean>] [-AvailableForPlacement <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-CPUPercentageReserve <UInt16>] [-NetworkPercentageReserve <UInt16>] [-DiskSpaceReserve...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
Adds a VPN connection to a virtual machine network.SyntaxPowerShell Copiere Add-SCVPNConnection [-VMMServer <ServerConnection>] [-VMNetworkGateway] <VMNetworkGateway> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-TargetIPv4VPNAddress <String>] [-TargetIPv6VPNAddress <String>] [-EncryptionMethod...
错误消息:Error connecting to agent: No such file or directory检查本地sshagent,发现已经启动了:然而遇到这个错:解决方案:执行命令行: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “C:\MyApp\OpenSSH-Win64\install-sshd.ps1”之后ssh-add工作正常。要获取更多 ...
错误消息:Error connecting to agent: No such file or directory检查本地ssh agent,发现已经启动了:然而遇到这个错:解决方案:执行命令行: powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “C:\MyApp\OpenSSH-Win64\install-sshd.ps1”之后ssh-add工作正常。要获取更多 Git 公众号 解决方案 命令行 原创 JerryWang汪...
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetCommandCommand Get-Item : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null. At line:1 char:12 + ((Get-Item (Get-Command sshd).Source).VersionInfo.FileVersion) ...
OSHVResult.addAll(scp.createCPLink(application_resource_id, application_resource_class, junction_id, junction_root_class, SCPId, service_context))forindexinrange(len(ipList)): scpOsh = scp.createScpOsh(junctionOsh, service_type, ip=ipList[index], port=portList[index], context=...
使用 防止網際網路存取 SCP 根據IP 地址或地理位置限制存取 掃描Git 儲存庫以取得敏感資訊 將警示從 AWS Network Firewall 傳送至 Slack 頻道 使用私有 CA 和 簡化AWS私有憑證管理 AWS RAM 關閉多帳戶環境中所有 Security Hub 成員帳戶之間的安全標準控制 使用 從 IAM Id...
·WinSCP·Calibre Server·ZooKeeper·AutoHotkey·RealtimeSync·TwoToneDetect·SpamAssassin·SimpleHTTPServer·Avuna HTTPD·Docker Daemon·HyperSQL (HSQLDB)·hubiC·Skype·Logstash·Kafka·WS FTP Pro·Air Video HD·Caddy·Todo Backup·Backup and Sync·Emby Server·MultiChain·Drive File Stream·Sync.com ...