74 changes: 71 additions & 3 deletions 74 Assets/Optimization/Scenes/SuntailVillageOptmized1.unity Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ OcclusionCullingSettings: smallestOccluder: 3 smallestHole: 0.1 backfaceThreshold: 100 m_SceneGUID: f92dfda6574c0dd4bb...
In theBuild Settingswindow, select theAdd Open Scenesbutton to add your current scene to theScenes In Buildlist. Select theBuildbutton. In theBuild Universal Windows Platformwindow, navigate to the folder where you want to store your build, or create a new folder and navigate to it...
Adds a component of the specified type to the GameObject. There is no corresponding method for removing a component from a GameObject. To remove a component, useObject.Destroy. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class AddComponentExample :MonoBehaviour{ void Start() {SphereCollider...
The final step for this project is to create an object that loads the scene. This object consists of a script that will spawn eachPlayerContainerprefab into the scene. The script also tells Unity to arrange the instantiated children within thePlayerParentobject into a grid collection defined by...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “Repro“ project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/TestScene.unity“ Scene 3. Open the Profiler wind...
17 - 将UI工具包导入项目并添加生成设置(17 - Importing UI Kit to your project and adding in build settings) 05分 45秒 4K 下载 18 - UI工具包的分层集成与故障排除(18 - Integration of layers for the UI Kit with Troubleshooting) 10分 13秒 4K 下载 19 - 配置暂停对话框(19 - Configure th...
Crash on SerializeObjectAndAddToRecording when adding animation to object without animator -- - Dec 23, 2022 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project “CrashRepro“ 2. Open “Scenes/SampleScene.unity“ Scene 3. Select “Cube“ Prefab in the Project window 4. Remove ...
Add the button to the sceneIn Unity, make sure the GameObject named Chapter3 and its child object named 3.1 - Video are expanded. In the Project window, search for the ButtonBase prefab. Make sure you choose ALL for the Search filter. Drag ButtonBase from the Project window and then, ...