const contextualTab = JSON.parse(contextualTabJSON); await Office.ribbon.requestCreateControls(contextualTab); await => { const charts = context.workbook.worksheets .getActiveWorksheet() .charts; charts.onActivated.add(showDataTab); charts.onDeactivated.add(hideDataTab); return co...
Call the context object's sync method to send the queued command to the document for execution and return the requested information. Because the sync method is asynchronous, ensure that it has completed before your code calls the properties that were fetched.The...
"Unfortunately, there is no more time left in this trial of<app name>. Go here to purchase the full version and return to full functionality." For userswithout any license: "Unfortunately, you don't have a license for<app name>. Go here to purchase the full version and enable<paid fun...
context.document.getMaxResourceIndexAsync( function (result) { if (result.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) { onError(result.error); } else { defer.resolve(result.value); } } ); return defer.promise(); } // Get each resource GUID, and then display the GUIDs in the add-in...
Excel(xlcAlert,Excel(xlfConcatenate,OPER("XLL.MACRO 召唤 with активный cell:"),//use utf-8!Excel(xlfReftext,Excel(xlfActiveCell),OPER(true)//A1 style instead of R1C1) ),OPER(2),//general informationOPER("") );returnTRUE;...
mailItem.body.getAsync(Office.CoercionType.Html, (bodyResult) => { if (bodyResult.status === Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) { console.log(bodyResult.error.message); return; } // Inserts the Base64-encoded image to the beginning of the body. const options = { isInline: true, asyncCont...
}returnCollections.enumeration(values); } } and defining the doFilter method like this: @OverridepublicvoiddoFilter( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)throwsIOException, ServletException {/* * In this part I validate the token and extract the JTI, which is...
* @memberOf WordDocumentService*/getOoxml() {//Run a batch operation against the Word object {//Create a proxy object for the document body.varbody =context.document.body;//Queue a commmand to get the HTML contents of the body.varbodyOOXML =body....
{ var vm = this; vm.tooltipContent = $sce.trustAsHtml('I am the first line <br /><br />' + 'I am the second line-break'); return vm; } })(window.angular); //Step 3: Use the tooltip in HTML (UI) <div ng-controller="myController as get"> <span uib-tooltip-html="get...
In theViewbox, click the name of your default view. ClickOKfour times to return to the form template. After you create the Help view for your form template, you need to add a button to your default view, so that users can easily access the Help view when they fill out ...