方案1: <PackageReference> 项目文件中不存在, <PackageVersion> 元素不存在, Directory.Packages.props file并且版本参数不是从命令行传递的。执行的 CLI 命令: dotnet add ToDo.csproj package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore元素<PackageVersion>将添加到 .Directory.Packages.props file...
For this module, we use the built-in .NET Core CLI to install packages. You can add a package to your .NET project by invoking a command in the terminal. A typical installation command looks like this: dotnet add package <name of package>. When you run the add package command, the ...
Steps(步骤) 1. 点击WebHost Manager主界面上的Packages进入主机方案菜单。 2. 点击Add Packages。 3. 在The Package Name和Quota栏中分别输入Package的名称和账户可以使用的磁盘空间最大容量。 4. 通过勾选或取消Shell Access复选框确定是否允许Shell Access。 5. 在Max FTP Accouts,Max Email Accounts,Max Email...
Configuration ManagerAddPackages中,Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 类方法将一组包分配给分发点组。 以下语法从托管对象格式 (MOF) 代码中简化,并定义了 方法。 语法 sint32 AddPackages( string PackageIDs[] ); 参数 PackageIDs 数据类型:String数组 ...
DeferRegistrationWhenPackagesAreInUse 获取或设置一个值,该值指示在包当前正在使用时是延迟主包还是依赖项包的注册。 DependencyPackageUris 获取要添加的依赖项包的 URI 列表。 DeveloperMode 获取或设置一个值,该值指示应用是否在开发人员模式下安装。 ExpectedDigests 获取一个字典,该字典使用相应的摘要字符串映...
如果你的项目仍然使用packages.config文件来管理NuGet依赖(这通常在较老的.NET Framework项目中见到),则使用Install-Package可能会导致包被下载到项目的packages文件夹。 如果你的项目使用的是PackageReference(现在.NET Core和许多更新的.NET Framework项目中的标准),那么无论使用哪种命令,包都会被存储在全局NuGet缓存中...
Dism /Get-Packages /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" Review the resulting list of packages, and add the corresponding language packs for each package in the image, including the base Windows PE language pack. Copy Dism /Add-Package /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /PackagePath:"C:\Program...
Configure device settings and add packages Intro to configuring settings Configure settings AirDrop settings AirPlay settings AirPrint settings App Access settings Apple Intelligence & Siri settings Application Layer Firewall settings Certificate settings ...
Add feature packages, also known as optional components, to Windows PE (WinPE). Languages: When you install each optional component, you must first install the language-neutral optional component and then install the language-specific optional component. The required language resources must be the sa...
Add feature packages, also known as optional components, to Windows PE (WinPE). Languages: When you install each optional component, you must first install the language-neutral optional component and then install the language-specific optional component. The required language resources must be the sa...