【开启Add On】没有root的同学请自觉忽略1.下载gapp解压到手机http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=409352&uk=42450791962.移动文件将com.google.android.maps.jar放到\system\framework将com.google.android.maps.xml放到\system\etc\permissions将NetworkLocation.apk放到\system\app3.改权限用Re管理器,进入/...
第二个文件是地图程序框架: com.google.android.maps.jar请注意区分jar后缀和xml后缀!!这个是jar的!!!目录是:根目录/system/framework不要错了!!!这个是放入framework!!!。粘贴文件,修改权限!!!第二个文件就搞定了。 死后方生 渴望你懂 9 第三个程序地图权限:根目录/system/etc/permissions/com.google.androi...
<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps"android:required="false"/> 这代表如果在目标机器上内置了Google Map add-on, 则可以正常使用应用; 如果目标机器没有内置Google Map add-on,也可以成功安装应用。 但是开发人员需要在代码中自行判断Google Map add-on是否可用, 举例如下: try { Class.forNa...
这代表如果在目标机器上内置了Google Map add-on,则可以正常使用应用;如果目标机器没有内置Google Map add-on,也可以成功安装应用。但是开发人员需要在代码中自行判断Google Map add-on是否可用,举例如下: try {Class.forName("com.google.android.maps.MapActivity");} catch (Exception e) {Toast.makeText(Main...
<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps"android:required="false"/> 这代表如果在目标机器上内置了Google Map add-on,则可以正常使用应用;如果目标机器没有内置Google Map add-on,也可以成功安装应用。但是开发人员需要在代码中自行判断Google Map add-on是否可用,举例如下: ...
并不是所有的Android真机中都带有Google Map add-on,要想内置Google Map add-on是需要和google商谈的。 但是若我们开发一个使用到了Google Map add-on的Android应用程序(即使用了<uses-library android:name="com.google.android.maps" />),就会发现这个程序不能成功安装在没有内置Google Map add-on的真机中,那...
Google Maps don’t just help you to transport, it provides an interactive turn by turn voice assisted path which your visitors can use even if he is completely new to the city. Thus getting different navigation direction based on driving, cycling and walking provides a certain comfort level. ...
Google-Maps Preview The virtual map on the internet has spread all over the world and provides advice and assistance whenever someone is on the way into the unknown or forgot the way to the restaurant, over which friends got into raptures the last time. Google Maps is not only a big help...
—all within the mini window. Google Translate. Type or paste text into the box to get a quick translation for that comment you received in a foreign language. View your translate history and save your favorite ones. Google Maps. Find the next restaurant to try out by using the mini...
Note: Adding a new location on Google Maps Google takes some time to verify and approve location information. Therefore, newly added locations will not appear on Google Maps immediately but will take some time. Contribute to Google Maps with Valuable Data Open the Google Maps app on your phon...