You can set waypoints on the world map and then activate the waypoint arrow to guide you there. This is useful for guiding you towards quest objectives, quest givers, turn-in points etc., to make sure you’re always going in the right direction. If you find coordinates to a location men...
Automatically pick up trivial (low level) quests Only if the player is tracking trivial quests on the minimap Automatically selects the most valuable quest reward Only auto-delivers if there is just one item choice Optionally automates paying Darkmoon Isle faires ...
Accepting and turning in quests; Repairing your gear; Selling gray items. We list PvE / PvP addons in the next sections that automate this sort of tasks for you, so that you can focus on being as efficient with your playtime as much as possible. ...
Only if the player is tracking trivial quests on the minimap Automatically selects the most valuable quest reward Only auto-delivers if there is just one item choice Optionally automates paying Darkmoon Isle faires Optionally shares all quests accepted with party members Holding Shift will pause the...
Quests Daily Quests Argent Tournament Borean Tundra Dragonblight Grizzly Hills Howling Fjord Icecrown Sholazar Basin The Storm Peaks Zul’Drak Dungeon & Heroic Cooking Fishing Jewelcrafting Battered Hilt Guides Achievement Guides Fishing Achievements Avast Ye, Admiral! Fool For Love Hallowed Be Thy...
by Ghettogreen. Speeds up the process of accepting and turning in quests. AutoReadyCheck by Draeko. Automatically selects "Ready" when a ready check is performed, as well as a few other things that are actually useful. AutoRepair by Markyxl. Automatically repairs all your items when you vi...
Accepting and turning in quests; Repairing your gear; Selling gray items. We list PvE / PvP addons in the next sections that automate this sort of tasks for you, so that you can focus on being as efficient with your playtime as much as possible. ...
An in-game history log of quests that have been accepted, completed, failed, or abandoned. QuestHubber by pigmonkey. Shows pinpoints on the world map of all the quests you've missed. QuestItemBar by Nickenyfiken. Automatically shows a bar with buttons for the quest items you possess....
For avid data collectors and experts a slash command to remove ALL pins on the map prior to accepting a quest in order to clean up duplicate pins. Data would be submitted on GitHub. GitHub Repo: LibQuestData Zone Quests Verified Khenarthis Roost ...
Azeroth AutoPilot Classic— Provides various features such as auto skipping cut scenes, auto talk to NPCs, auto pick up and hand in quests, etc. It is mostly intended for speed leveling. AutoPilot will give you predefined quest paths based on your level, class, and other variables, and provi...