node-gyp version: 10.0.1 Node Version: v18.19.0, npm version: 10.2.3 Platform: Windows Server 2022, Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Compiler: MSBuild, CL 19.29.30153 .npmrc: msbuild_path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visua...
"@types/vscode": "^1.78.0" }, "scripts": { "prepublishOnly": "echo \"⛔ Can only publish from a secure pipeline ⛔\" && node ../build/fail", "prepack": "npm run all:publish", "compile": "node ../node_modules/typescript/lib/tsc.js -b ./tsconfig.json", "clean": "node...
npm run build When the build completes, the dist folder in the root directory of your add-in project will contain the files that you'll deploy in subsequent steps. Upload the contents of the dist folder to the web server that'll host your add-in. You can use any type of web server...
从另一个插件中插入单词"add"可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经安装了适用于你所使用的编辑器或IDE的插件系统。不同的编辑器和IDE有不同的插件系统,例如Visual Studio C...
Prettier+Vscode setting提高前端开发效率 dist/ 忽略 dist 目录及其所有文件和子目录 *.extension 忽略特定文件扩展名的所有文件 *.log 忽略所有 .log 文件 **/directory/ 忽略所有子目录中与指定目录名匹配的内容...然后再项目的外面的位置添加这两个文件就能使用Prettier啦。但是光有Prettier还不...
npm install -g node-gyp 创建一个文件夹,在里面创建hello.cc文件 // #include <node.h> namespace demo { using v8::FunctionCallbackInfo; using v8::Isolate; using v8::Local; using v8::Object; using v8::String; using v8::Value; ...
run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details html 1. 2. 3. 就是要求用户执行npm audit fix指令, 用于检测项目依赖中的漏洞并自动安装需要更新的有漏洞的依赖,而不必再自己进行跟踪和修复。 在接下来的教程中, 读者需要仔细观察每一个步骤的日志, 及时进行修复, 本文将不再反复提醒. ...
We’ll use the DTDL VSCode extension to create the interface using the command palette: DTDL: CreateInterface, and replace the default contents with the telemetry and property elements.{ "@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2", "@id": "dtmi:com:example:mydevice;1", "@type":...
Add the following scripts to the "scripts" object: 複製 "install:add-in": "cd add-in && npm install", "postinstall": "npm run install:add-in && npm run install:tab", "build:add-in": "cd add-in && npm run build", "build:add-in:dev": "cd add-in && npm run bui...
npmrun lint Bash Copy This will light your project and display any issues in the terminal. Optional. Integrate with Your Code Editor For a smoother development experience, you can integrate ESLint with your code editor. Most popular editors, like VSCode, have ESLint plugins that provide real-...