PS C:\Windows\system32> new-localuser -name "kaka" -NoPasswordName Enabled Description --- --- --- kaka True 打开windows安全日志,可以看到4720 账户成功添加的信息1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37...
Import-CMDriver Import-CMDriverPackage Import-CMPackage Import-CMQuery Import-CMSecurityRole Import-CMSoftwareLicense Import-CMTaskSequence Import-CMUserDeviceAffinity Import-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem Install-CMClient Install-CMSiteUpdate Invoke-CMAnalyzePackage Invoke-CMBaselineSummarization Invoke-CMClient...
如果是vista 或WIN7请用管理员身份运行(用右键选择CMD.EXE后,运行方式指定管理员运行)如果是win2000 winnt XP 的系统可以用正常方式运行CMD 命令如下 rem 先建一个USERs组 的用户 net user user1 rem 再用net localgroup来提升为管理组 net localgroup administrators user1 /add ...
It makes a simplifying assumption that the string is present and the user has selected it. The first parameter of the Range.insertText method is the string to insert into the Range object. The second parameter specifies where in the range the additional text should be inserted. Besides "End"...
此示例演示如何在 PowerShell 中调用本机 Windows API。Add-Type使用平台调用(P/Invoke)机制从 PowerShell 调用User32.dll中的函数。 此示例仅适用于运行 Windows作系统的计算机。 PowerShell $Signature=@" [DllImport("user32.dll")]public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow); "...
Create a comma-delimited text file, which contains the new users to be created. Following the Syntax as follows: [Users.txt] User Name,Full name, Password, Description, HomeDrive, Homepath, Profile, Script e.g. [Users.txt] jimmye,James Edward Phillip II,,, alexd...
c# run RegSvr32 programmatically through Windows Form and get its DialogBox's message C# running a batch file c# Save The Cmd output into txt file or open to Notepad ? C# SAX openXML how write decimal cell with the right format? C# Scan String in Memory of Process c# script to check SQ...
HRESULT AddUserTasks( [in] IObjectArray *poa ); 参数 [in] poa 类型: IObjectArray* 指向IObjectArray 的 指针,表示一个或多个 IShellLink (或更罕见的 IShellItem) 表示任务的对象。 注意 此处使用的任何 IShellLink 都必须通过 SetArguments 声明参数列表。 不支持将没有参数的 IShellLink 对象添加到自...
WindowsConfiguration Windows operating system settings to apply to the virtual machine. WindowsUserConfiguration Properties used to create a user Account on a Windows Compute Node. ApplicationPackageReference Object A reference to an Package to be deployed to Compute Nodes. Expand table NameTypeDescri...
Import-CMDriver Import-CMDriverPackage Import-CMPackage Import-CMQuery Import-CMSecurityRole Import-CMSoftwareLicense Import-CMTaskSequence Import-CMUserDeviceAffinity Import-CMWirelessProfileConfigurationItem Install-CMClient Install-CMSiteUpdate Invoke-CMAnalyzePackage Invoke-CMBaselineSummarization Invoke-CMClient...