A shapefile does not support aliases for fields, so you cannot add a field alias to a shapefile. You can use an existing domain from a feature class in a geodatabase for theField Domainparameter value. The name of an existing domain must be provided. Providing an invalid domain name or ...
A shapefile does not support aliases for fields, so you cannot add a field alias to a shapefile. A field of type raster allows you to include a raster image as an attribute. It is stored in or alongside the geodatabase. This is helpful when an image is the best way to describe a ...
A shapefile does not support alias for fields, so you cannot add a field alias to a shapefile. It is only possible to add a field that is not nullable to an empty geodatabase feature class or table. This tool cannot add a field that is not nullable when the rows already exist. TheF...
Shapefile (as a compressed zipped file [.zip]) Ensure that all the components related to the shapefile are zipped into a single .zip file. If the .zip file is missing any component of the shapefile, such as the .shp, .shx, or .prj file, an error will be generated. KML/KMZ (XML-...
Pro report template (.rptt) Project package (.ppkx) Project template (.aptx) Raster function template (.rft.xml or .rft.json) Relational database connection (URL) Rule package (.rpk) Scene layer package (.slpk) Scene service (URL) Service definition (SD) (.sd) Shapefile (.zip) Stream...
Add a layer from the web or search for layers from an ArcGIS Server site. Public layers on ArcGIS Online Search for layers from ArcGIS Online. Route Create in Map Viewer Classic or search for layers available to you in your portal. Shapefile (.zip)* Add a layer from a file. Text file...
shpAll factory objects with an area extent in shapefile datasetpe_list_<objtype>.shp,etc. proj4Updated PROJ4 filesesri gdalUpdated GDAL filesesri_extra.wkt esri_epsg.wkt otherOther filesPE_user_defined_objects.pdf proj4-esri.txt Notes ...
In ArcGIS Pro, running the Add Geometry Attributes tool on a polygon feature class or shapefile to determine the polygon area adds a new field in the attribute table and returns the following warning
This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has beenarchivedand is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated.See the latest documentation. Summary Usage Syntax Code sample Environments Licensing information Summary Adds a spatial index to a shapefile, file geodatabase, or ArcSDE feature class. Use th...
"Pro Map", "Project Package", "Project Template", "Raster function template", "Rule Package", "Service Definition", "Shapefile", "Vector Tile Package", "Workflow Manager Package" ]; const downloadableTypeKeywords: string[] = ["Data"]; const apiTypes: string[] = ["Feature Service", "...