Map a Network Drive using PowerShell in Windows To map Network Drives using Powershell, you have to run the following command: New-PSDrive -Name x -PSProvider FileSystem -Root \\server\share -Persist You can read more aboutNew-PSDrive, which helps you create mapped network drives onMSDN. ...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DevicePath: REG_EXPAND_SZ:%SystemRoot%\Inf Setup uses this path to locate .inf files for device installation. After Setup, this path is also used for any new hardware that is found and installed. If you modify this key during Setup...
Mount-WindowsImage New-WindowsCustomImage New-WindowsImage Optimize-AppXProvisionedPackages Optimize-WindowsImage Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage Remove-WindowsCapability Remove-WindowsDriver Remove-WindowsImage Remove-WindowsPackage Repair-WindowsImage Save-WindowsImage ...
New-CMDetectionClauseMacPackage New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKey New-CMDetectionClauseRegistryKeyValue New-CMDetectionClauseWindowsInstaller New-CMDeviceCategory New-CMDeviceCollection New-CMDeviceCollectionVariable New-CMDeviceVariable New-CMDistributionPointGroup New-CMDriverPackage New-CMDuplicateHardwareIdGuid ...
Add-WindowsPackage-PackagePath<String> [-IgnoreCheck] [-PreventPending] [-NoRestart]-Path<String> [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParameters>] ...
Add-WindowsDriver [-Recurse] [-ForceUnsigned] -Driver <String> -Path <String> [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]DescriptionThe Add-WindowsDriver cmdlet adds third-party driver pac...
Adds a driver to an offline Windows image. Syntax PowerShell Add-WindowsDriver[-Recurse] [-ForceUnsigned]-Driver<String>-Path<String> [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParameters>] ...
To manage a Windows-based host in a perimeter network:Install the VMM agent locally on the perimeter network host. When you run VMM Setup and choose the option indicating that this host is on a perimeter network, the wizard prompts you to: -- Provide an encryption key for the security ...
Windows PE (WinPE) overview What's new in Windows PE WinPE: Add packages (Optional Components Reference) WinPE: Mount and customize WinPE: Adding PowerShell support to Windows PE WinPE: Store or split images to deploy Windows using a single USB key WinPE: Identify drive letters with ...
Add-WindowsPackage -PackagePath <String> [-IgnoreCheck] [-PreventPending] [-NoRestart] [-Online] [-WindowsDirectory <String>] [-SystemDrive <String>] [-LogPath <String>] [-ScratchDirectory <String>] [-LogLevel <LogLevel>] [<CommonParameters>]Power...