Physical Volume (PV): Consists of Raw disks or RAID arrays or other storage devices. Volume Group (VG): Combines the physical volumes into storage groups. Logical Volume (LV): VG’s are divided into LV’s and are mounted as partitions. In this article, we will take you through the step...
Re: DL380 G9 cannot add new hard disk to existing array? Hello, To modify the StripeSize, you may run the following command: <target> modify [ss=<StripeSize number>] Here "<target>" refers to the logical drive in question. StripeSize number varies from [ss=8 | 16 | 32 ...
Perform a reconfiguration boot to create the new Solaris device files and links on Node A. {0} okboot-r Label the new logical volume. Contact your service provider to label the new logical volume. (Optional) On Node A, verify that the device IDs (DIDs) are assigned to the new StorEdge...
Re: Add logical volume to VG in cluster absolutely, YES! you must vgexport and vgimport to the other node and you must edit your control file (*.cntl) in your cluster configuration and add your new LV, for ex:LV[0]=/dev/vgbea/lvbea; FS[0]=/apps/bea; FS_MOUNT_OPT[...
2. adding swap volume 3. adding swap file 1. Adding swap partition 1. Run thefdiskorpartedutility to identify disks with sufficient unused (unpartitioned) disk space. Create a new partition of typeswap (82). For example: # fdisk /dev/sdb ...
∟LVM (Logical Volume Manager)∟Add/Remove PV on VG on the Fly Describes what is a VG (Volume Group) - a virtual storage device made up by one or more PVs (Physical Volumes). Tutorial examples are given on how to create a new VG, add PV to a VG and remove a PV from a VG....
Perform a reconfiguration boot to create the new Solaris device files and links on Node A. # boot -r Label the new logical volume. For the procedure about how to label a logical volume, see the Sun StorEdge T3 and T3+ Array Administrator's Guide. (Optional) On Node A, verify that ...
New-SCStorageFileShare New-SCStorageLogicalUnit New-SCStoragePool New-SCStorageQoSPolicy New-SCStorageTier New-SCStorageVolume New-SCStorageZone New-SCStorageZoneAlias New-SCSubnetVLan New-SCUplinkPortProfileSet New-SCUserRole New-SCV2V New-SCVirtualDiskDrive New-SCVirtualDVDDrive New-SCVirtualFibre...
$etva_lv = $record->getEtvaLogicalvolume();if($record->getNodeId() ==$this->getId()) { $etva_lv->delete(); } }/* * delete vgs that are not shared...numVgs=1 only * */$criteria =newCriteria(); $criteria->add(EtvaVolumegroupPeer::CLUSTER_ID,$this->getClusterId()); $...
Using this information, I will show how to add two disks /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc to the root logical volume in the rest of the tutorial.Step One: Create Partitions on New Disks (Optional)The first step is to create a partition on each new disk before adding them to LVM. This step ...