Use a portal connection to add and edit a web feature layer or web map. Add a portal connection. For steps to add a portal connection see Manage portal connection from ArcGIS Pro. In the Catalog pane, click Portal. Click one of the following: My Content —Contains the maps, data, and...
First of all refer to: While implementing that idea do this in the meantime: Add option to Intersect GP tool to allow batch of one main input (e.g. ...
ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Summary Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class or feature layer, as well as to rasters with attribute tables. Usage Caution: This tool modifies the input data. SeeTools that modify or update the input datafor more information and strat...
@JimW You can do this currently using the ArcGIS API for Python. That allows you to target a specific layer within a hosted feature layer collection when working with data updates, using things like truncate and edit_features to do an 'overwrite'. But it would be nice to...
ClickStart Debuggingto run your project, which will launch ArcGIS Pro. Open theFeatureTest.aprxproject. In the map view, find the layer namedTestPoints. Add a new integer attribute namedSymbolto this layer and then calculate its values to match the values in theObjectIDattribute. ...
See the latest ArcGIS Pro documentation: Set security options. In versions 2.8.3 and prior, ArcGIS Pro allows a hyperlink path to be added to a field in the attribute table. This option adds a hyperlink for an individual feature in a feature layer, allowing access to feature-related ...
Create a new Feature from the feature table using makeFeature(attributes:geometry:). Get the first field from the feature table by name using field(named:). Then get the domain from the field as an CodedValueDomain. Get the coded value domain's codedValues to get an array of CodedValues...
Refer to ArcGIS Pro: Share a web feature layer using the default configuration for more information. In ArcGIS Online, add the custom basemap as a feature layer to a web map, and save the web map. In Map Viewer, open the published feature layer in Step 1b. Save the map as a...
You can add a new feature by using theAddtoolto create predefined shapes, for example,Right Angle Line,Circle,Rectangle, andEllipse. KML and KMZ You can add KML and KMZ files toArcGIS Earthfrom a portal, from a local folder, or by entering a URL. After a KML layer is added to the ...
If the job's location is already defined, it can't be edited, but it can be replaced by drawing or selecting new features. If the step is run in ArcGIS Pro and Map is chosen as the location method, the Job Location layer is added to the map configured in the step when the step ...