使用GitHub步骤: 1、申请GitHub帐户 xxx ,创建名为new-project的新Repository 2、安装Git客户端(Linux) #yum install git git-gui 3、 生成密钥对,这样项目可以push到 GitHub上 #ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "xxx@gmail.com" 4、将.ssh/id_rsa.pub拷贝到GitHub网站 5、为了方便,设置ssh不输入口令 # eval `ssh...
-u相当于--set-upstream,之前写的”在本地新建一个分支后推送到远端“就是这样的呢:https://www.cnblogs.com/butterflybay/p/11294473.html 执行git push -urepo_addr branch3后,查看你本地的.git/config会相应变化:remote = xxx Note:曾遇到 ”error: src refspec master does not match any“ --- gi...
Adds cuda-samples: https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-samples Only packages the header files under the Common/ directory. These are used by libfreenect2 when CUDA is enabled, for example (see the recent PR). I'm not too happy about the size of the "sources"
我推荐使用GUI界面来操作Git。这玩意儿没必要去记命令行。个人在使用Source Tree,觉得不错。
Repository branch that contains the artifacts. The default value is main. Name of the folder that contains the artifacts. The default value is: /Artifacts. Repository type. The allowed values are VsoGit, for Azure Repos, or GitHub. Personal access token for the repository, which you copied ea...
This post walks you through the process of creating remote Git repos on two popular Git hosting services (GitHub and Bitbucket).
Change the label for the field so that the Portuguese branch office working on this particular project can read the name of theTitlefield when they work with the work item form. Include the Portuguese word for title (Titulo) in the Title field. ...
Change the label for the field so that the Portuguese branch office working on this particular project can read the name of theTitlefield when they work with the work item form. Include the Portuguese word for title (Titulo) in the Title field. ...
newFile 第一行(On branch master) 表示所属分支 第二部分 要提交的变更(Changes to be committed) 表示已经纳入git 版本控制 且修改已经被暂存但未提交(执行过git add 但未 git commit) 第三部分 尚未暂存以备提交的变更(Changes not staged for commit) ...
Revert "Merge branch '2557-select-default-template-from-gitlab-folder' into 'master'" !78288 14.7 Draft: Move the default MR template from project settings into '.gitlab/merge_request_templates/default.md' gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com !97016 Support default templates for issues/MRs via ...