MailNickName = \"Finnegan\" } \nIt is best practice to pass parameters to a cmdlet when you are assigning more than 2 parameters. This makes it easier to see what parameters need to be assigned to the new user. The above are the minimal parameters we...
This post will detail steps in adding Azure Active Directory users via PowerShell via the simplest way possible allowing others to include the following steps into their automation scripts. Lets get started. Run PowerShell Run PowerShell Force AzureAD Password Sync Run th...
PowerShell 复制 Add-ADPermission [-Identity] <ADRawEntryIdParameter> -User <SecurityPrincipalIdParameter> [-AccessRights <ActiveDirectoryRights[]>] [-ChildObjectTypes <ADSchemaObjectIdParameter[]>] [-Confirm] [-Deny] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ExtendedRights <ExtendedRightIdParameter[]>] [-...
此参数是在 Windows PowerShell 3.0 中引入的。 类型:PSCredential Position:Named 默认值:Current user 必需:False 接受管道输入:False 接受通配符:False -NewName 在新域中指定计算机的新名称。 此参数仅在一台计算机被添加或移动时有效。 此参数是在 Windows PowerShell 3.0 中引入的。
This example specifies a user and a group object that are defined in the current Windows PowerShell session as input for the parameter. -Members $userObject, $GroupObject The objects specified for this parameter are processed as Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADPrincipal objects. Derived types...
若要在 Windows Server 2008 及更高版本中解决此问题,请使用 Add-ADGroupMember PowerShell 命令,如以下 TechNet 文章中所述: Add-ADGroupMember如果使用 PowerShell 5.1,请使用 Add-LocalGroupMember -Group PowerShell 命令,如以下文章中所述: Add-LocalGroupMember...
Modul: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Hozzáad egy Microsoft .NET-osztályt egy PowerShell-munkamenethez.SyntaxPowerShell Másolás Add-Type [-TypeDefinition] <String> [-Language <Language>] [-ReferencedAssemblies <String[]>] [-OutputAssembly <String>] [-OutputType <OutputAssemblyType>] [-Pass...
In order to use Windows PowerShell for SharePoint Products, a user must be a member of the SharePoint_Shell_Access role on the configuration database and a member of the WSS_ADMIN_WPG local group on the computer where SharePoint Products is installed....
The mailbox has been recently converted from shared to user and it has no license. The mailbox has been recently migrated to Microsoft 365 but a license has not been assigned. The mailbox has been created using PowerShell, and a license has not been assigned. A new mailbox that has bee...
PowerShell provides you with provider drives pointing to the Windows volumes in your system, such asC:,D:, etc. You can also create a provider drive calledDB:that points toD:\Dropboxby using theNew-PSDrivecmdlet. You can persist the drive name by adding the statement to your profile...