UserPrincipalName = \" It is best practice to pass parameters to a cmdlet when you are assigning more than 2 parameters. This makes it easier to see what parameters need to be assigned to the new user. The above are the minimal parameters...
Our team has been receiving a large number of questions in the Microsoft Ignite the Tour Experts area regarding the adoption of Azure Active Directory. One question that comes up frequently is: ... AccountEnabled = $true UserPrincipalName = \"FwF@Motor.o...
PowerShell 複製 Add-Computer [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-LocalCredential <PSCredential>] [-UnjoinDomainCredential <PSCredential>] -Credential <PSCredential> [-DomainName] <String> [-OUPath <String>] [-Server <String>] [-Unsecure] [-Options <JoinOptions>] [-Restart...
PowerShell 复制 Add-ADPermission [-Identity] <ADRawEntryIdParameter> -User <SecurityPrincipalIdParameter> [-AccessRights <ActiveDirectoryRights[]>] [-ChildObjectTypes <ADSchemaObjectIdParameter[]>] [-Confirm] [-Deny] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-ExtendedRights <ExtendedRightIdParameter[]>] [-...
Modul: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility Hozzáad egy Microsoft .NET-osztályt egy PowerShell-munkamenethez.SyntaxPowerShell Másolás Add-Type [-TypeDefinition] <String> [-Language <Language>] [-ReferencedAssemblies <String[]>] [-OutputAssembly <String>] [-OutputType <OutputAssemblyType>] [-Pass...
Active Directory: New-ADUser character escaping AD and Powershell: How to retrieve the employeeid attribute AD attribute update of bulk user object from TXT file which contains samaccountname AD DACL: Set-ACL Fails with This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object AD M...
PowerShell Add-SPShellAdmin-UserNameCONTOSO\User1 This example adds a new user named User1 to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role in the farm configuration database only, and also ensures the user is added to the WSS_Admin_WPG local group on each server in the farm. ...
The mailbox has been recently converted from shared to user and it has no license. The mailbox has been recently migrated to Microsoft 365 but a license has not been assigned. The mailbox has been created using PowerShell, and a license has not been assigned. A new mailbox that has bee...
Open a PowerShell window on your management PC and run the command below, which will create a new domain local group called Helpdesk in Active Directory. New-ADGroup -Name Helpdesk -Description ‘User support’ -GroupScope DomainLocal
The mailbox has been recently converted from shared to user and it has no license. The mailbox has been recently migrated to Microsoft 365 but a license has not been assigned. The mailbox has been created using PowerShell, and a license has not been assigned. A new mailbox that has bee...