1) How to add a user to sudoers group On Ubuntu, this has to be the easiest option of granting administrative rights to a regular user. When users are added to the sudo group, they acquire the ability to invoke sudo when running system-related tasks. The usermod command is a command u...
In today’s tutorial, we are going to see how you can add a user to sudoers on Debian distributions. The sudo command allows authorized users to perform commands as another user, which is by default the root user. There are two ways to add a user to sudoers : you can add this user ...
Admins can allocate this privilege to other users by adding the user to the sudoers or the sudo group. The users in this group have the ultimate root privileges, but directly using the root password for tasks is not recommended. Instead, users with sudo access can complete administrative tasks...
In today’s tutorial, we are going to see how you can add a user to sudoers on Debian distributions. The sudo command allows authorized users to perform commands as another user, which is by default the root user. There are two ways to add a user to sudoers : you can add this user ...
$ sudo deluser vboxuser sudo The user has been removed from the sudoers file in Debian 12. Conclusion To add the users in the sudoers file, by replacing the username, run “sudo usermod -aG sudo [username]” the command in the terminal. One can also add the user by opening the sudoe...
useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/username username 创建hadoop用户示例 在CentOS中,你可以按照以下步骤来增加Hadoop用户: 1.以root用户登录到CentOS系统。 2.执行以下命令创建一个新的用户(例如"hadoop"): useradd hadoop 3.设置该用户的密码: passwd hadoop 4.(可选)如果你希望将该用户添加到sudoers列表以获得...
How to add particular user to thesudoers How to add regular user to the wheel group and give the wheel group the unlimited access? 1.Login to the system asrootuser [root@server~]# 2.Create regular user [root@server~]# useradd tuxfixer ...
当在sudoers配置文件中为hadoop用户添加了useradd和usermod的权限后,hadoop用户可以直接使用useradd命令,而不需要切换到其他用户或使用sudo命令。因此,选项A是正确的。选项B是错误的,因为使用useradd命令时仍然需要输入密码。选项C也是错误的,切换至hadoop用户后不需要使用sudo useradd命令来添加用户。选项D也是错误的,因...
"user" ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL Save and close. Congratulations. You have just learned how to configure and add user to sudoers group on Debian GNU/Linux. I hope you liked my tutorial and found it useful! Please follow me on social media to keep in touch with my articles! Have a great day...
2.Using the up/down arrows, navigate to the bottom of the sudoers file that is now displayed in the terminal 3.Just under the line that looks like the following:root ALL=(ALL) ALL 4.Add the following (replacing user with your actual username):user ALL=(ALL) ALL ...