Laravel Jetstream is a starter kit that helps you not only with Auth scaffolding but with extra functionality like Teams or Two-Factor Authentication. But I see many people struggle with customizing Jetstream after installation, and with adding more functionality. So, in this article, let's add ...
This tutorial uses an existing mini library API on the Laravel 10 framework to demonstrate using Laravel Throttle. The sample starting project contains the basic create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) implementations needed to manage books in a collection and two extra routes to demonstrate some ...
This package helps Laravel users to add routes easily. There will be a yaml on your project in which you have the option to specify the routes. Currently the package provides functionality for simple routes and group routes. The plan for a future update is to include more complex routes with...
You can also use TagService class directly, however almost all the functionality is exposed via the various methods provided by the trait, so you probably don't need to.// Instantiate the service (can also be done via dependency injection) $tagService = app(\Cviebrock\EloquentTaggable\...
IMPORTANT. Make sure your README has a nice screenshot of the functionality you're offering. The easier it is for a developer to see the benefit of using your package, the more likely it is for them to install it. There's a trick in uploading images to Github, then using them in ...
Show 1 more comment 162 This functionality has been built into PHP since version 4.0.6. See the docs. echo mb_strimwidth('Hello World', 0, 10, '...'); // outputs Hello W... Note that the trimmarker (the ellipsis above) are included in the truncated length...
QA tests the developed functionality and ensures the interface is intuitive and user-friendly 6 Deployment & Support After deployment, we can support you in infrastructure management and project development Let's discuss your project If you have any questions concerning your project on CS‑Cart or...
This functionality is fundamental for creating readable and well-structured output in console applications. Consider this code example: print("First line.\nSecond line.") In this instance, the \n within the string signals Python to print "First line." followed by a new line, after which "...
What we need is a very simple Addon that any user can search from Marketplace and Install in their Google Sheet via Addon menus. The functionality of Addon will be 1. User will search the addon 2. It will get installed in their Google sheet 3. Addon Will send the Data to webhook on...
Extending Laravel UploadedFile functionality using Macros I’ve been working on a project where each module of the application needs to upload an image and multiple images and… May 21, 2020 Know the Importance of SOLID Principles SOLID Principle is the most important part of object-oriented...