示例1: testMapGetOrAdd ▲点赞 9▼ staticvoidtestMapGetOrAdd(){ HashMap<Uptr, Uptr>map; errorUnless(!map.get(0)); errorUnless(map.getOrAdd(0,1) ==1); errorUnless(*map.get(0) ==1); errorUnless(map.getOrAdd(0,3) ==1); errorUnless(*map.get(0) ==1); errorUnless((map.g...
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.This method is used to add single key-value pair to the HashMapExampleimport java.util.*; public class HashMapPutExample { public static void main(String args[]) { HashMap<Integer, String> hashMap = new HashMap<Integer, ...
privatestaticvoidInit(){// TODO Auto-generated method stubTextReader br =null;try{ _cnMap =newHashMap<string,int[]>(); br = MyStaticValue.GetCompanReader();stringtemp;while((temp = br.ReadLine()) !=null) {varstrs = temp.Split('\t');varcna =newint[2]; cna[0] =int.Parse(str...
publicclass Parentimplements privateintage = 0; public Parent(int this.age = age; } publicint //TODO Auto-generatedmethod stub System.out.println("method ofparent"); Parent o1 = (Parent)o; returnage<o1.age?1:ageage?-1:0; } } publicclass Childextends public super(3); } publicint /...
一、HashMap底层数据结构 JDK1.7及之前:数组+链表 JDK1.8:数组+链表+红黑树 HashMap中实际是维护了一个Node数组,用来存储数据,下面看一下Node源码: static...this.key = key; this.value = value; ...
The GET method is not verified. Options: application/json application/json;charset=utf-8 application/x-pem-file multipart/form-data (used when theFormDataparameter is present) Default value: N/A X-Auth-Token Yes String Details: Requests for calling an API can be authenticated using either a ...
* Returns a read-only [Set] of all keys in this map. */ publicvalkeys:Set<K> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 报错原因分析: Debug 进去看看 addAll:344, AbstractCollection 这个e 是什么玩意儿? AbstractCollection 类的结构图: HashMap 中的KeySet 类的继承体系是: ...
...object) => { return request({ url: '/logout', method: 'post', data, }); }, }; } 在提供的例子中...详细解释它的特点和用法: 目的: useLoginApi 的目的是创建一个包含两个方法的对象,用于处理登录和登出操作。这样可以将登录和登出的逻辑封装到一个单独的函数中,使代码更有组织性和可重用...
而HashSet的拷贝构造方法定义如下: /** * Constructs a new set containing the elements in the specified * collection. The <tt>HashMap</tt> is created with default load factor * (0.75) and an initial capacity sufficient to contain the elements in ...
}if(null== userMap){ userMap =newHashMap<String, String>(); XHTCacheManager.addMode("moblieUserList", userMap); } } ... } 注:并发场景下remove操作加锁,而不是Iterator加锁,这个是很多网文的谬误,HashMap是非线程安全的它的put和remove都应该加锁处理,可以使用HashTable建议使用ConcurrentHashMap。