Your first step should be to reach out to your lender if there's a loan against your car. In fact, most states require this. They won't add anyone to atitle held by a lienholderwithout that lienholder's express consent and approval. This makes sense because that lien gives them owners...
If a bank or finance company holds a security interest in the boat, the owner completes that information as well as the Application for Duplicate Title. She will need to enter the lienholder’s name, mailing address, date of lien, email address and phone number. If the title was lost in...
Affix the license plates to your vehicle. Step 5: Update Insurance and Lienholders (if applicable)。 Notify your insurance company of your new vehicle registration. If there is a lien on your vehicle, inform the lienholder of the new registration. Additional Considerations: Some states may requi...
(b)If the trustee, under section 362, 363, or 364 of this title, provides adequate protection of the interest of a holder of a claim secured by a lien on property of the debtor and if, notwithstanding such protection, such creditor has a claim allowable under subsection (a)(2) of this...