On the kindle book product page, choose the Kindle edition of this this, please don’t click "BUY NOW xx" in the right column immediately. Find and tick the box before "Add Audible narration to your purchase for just $ xx" at first and then pay for the kindle ebook and Audible narrat...
Mindful/cardbuilder - Generates language learning flashcards from a list of input words by automating dictionary lookup and flashcard construction; also usable as a Python library. AurelienLourot/lsankidb - ls for your local Anki database. Dump/Print all your Anki terms in order to save them,...
To purchase apps, games, and other content, you'll need a payment method on file. Here's how to add one: Open the Play Store app. Tap your profile picture in the top right corner. Select "Payments and subscriptions" > "Payment methods." Choose "Add debit or credit card" and enter ...
Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. 1 Correct answer SJRiegel • Community Expert , Jul 16, 2018 Pantone Plastics are not ink colors, so there may not be a library you can add for print. Maybe this cross-reference will be of help, but they can't...
The British Libraryhttps://bll01.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?query=any,contains,123 Ways to Add Pizazz to a Panel Discussion&tab=LibraryCatalog&search_scope=Not_BL_Suppress&vid=44BL_INST:BLL01 =en&offset=0
For renting, if you're lucky you might find some manga in a public library, although personally I've never come across any. There are pay-to-rent websites as mentioned above as well. For renting anime, I know that LoveFilm has quite a lot of stuff in their catalogue, if you live ...
I joined Book of the Month last year because I wanted to readPeople We Meet on Vacationand my local library had a waitlist. I thought I'd sign up for one month and cancel my subscription right after, but I am here to say that was not the case. I LOVE my BOTM subscription and ca...