AddLayer example 2: The following script will add a new group layer calledNE_Layersfrom another, independent map document and use auto-arrange to place the group layer within a data frame calledNew Data Frame. importarcpy#Reference layer in secondary map documentmxd2=arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r...
AddLayerToGroup 是用于向空图层组添加图层的唯一函数。AddLayerToGroup 不允许将图层添加到图层文件内的图层组中。应使用 ArcMap 来管理和创作图层文件。 目标图层组必须为图层组。Layer 对象上的 isGroupLayer 属性可用于确认返回的 Layer 对象是否为真正的图层组。 添加的图层必须参考已存在的图层(请注意,图层也...
importarcpyimportpythonaddinsclassBufferTool(object):"""Implementation for BufferTool.addin"""def__init__(self):self.enabled=Trueself.visible=TruedefonClick(self):# 获取当前地图文档mxd=arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("current")# 获取要素类layer=mxd.activeView.focusedTable output_buffer=r"C:\path_to_o...
你可以使用addLayer方法,通过引用图层文件的路径来添加该图层。示例如下: python layer_path = "C:/path_to_your_layer_file" layer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(layer_path) arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(data_frame, layer, level) 在以上示例中,`layer_path`是你想要添加的图层文件的路径,`data_frame`是你的地图或...
var layerDefinition = { "displayFieldName": "Name", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "spatialReference": { "wkid": 4326 }, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID" }, { "name": "Name", ...
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management( "points","WITHIN_A_DISTANCE" ,geom,0.1); selectedCount = arcpy.GetCount_management("points"); if selectedCount>0: for f in lyr.getSelectionSet(): print f; class ToolRemove(object): """Implementation for pydemoaddin_addin.tool_remove (Tool)""" ...
The unique value renderer of the layer is based on a field of the target table. Arcpy.da cursors do not work with input layers that have a join. Please refer to this documentation for more information.
I'm creating a 6 page Map-Series enabled PDF document. The first page has a map frame and dynamic text boxes all linked to a map series layer/attributes. The remaining 5 pages contain static text which will never change. How can I add multiple pages to a layout? I can't see any op...
Feature Layer; Mosaic Layer Code sample AddSpatialIndex example 1 (Python window) The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the AddSpatialIndex function in immediate mode. import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "c:/Connections/Connection to esoracle.sde" arcpy.AddSpatialIndex_management...