Language Pack Types Language Pack Installation The Lang.ini file The Language-Pack Removal Task See Also Applies To: Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2To design PCs that work better for customers in different regions, you can set...
Add-Type參考 意見反應 模組: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 將Microsoft .NET 類別新增至 PowerShell 會話。語法PowerShell 複製 Add-Type [-TypeDefinition] <String> [-Language <Language>] [-ReferencedAssemblies <String[]>] [-OutputAssembly <String>] [-OutputType <OutputAssemblyType>] [-PassThru] [...
Add-Type[-Name] <String> [-MemberDefinition] <String[]> [-Namespace <String>] [-UsingNamespace <String[]>] [-Language <Language>] [-ReferencedAssemblies <String[]>] [-OutputAssembly <String>] [-OutputType <OutputAssemblyType>] [-PassThru] [-IgnoreWarnings] [-CompilerOptions <String[]...
Install Windows. Copy the language pack (.cab) file to an accessible location in the installed Windows operating system. Do not expand the file. Run Lpksetup in one of the following ways: At a command-line prompt, type Lpksetup. The Install or Uninstall Display Languages window ...
-语言 <Language> 指定在源代码中使用的语言。Add-Type 使用该语言来选择正确的代码编译器。 有效值为:“CSharp”、“CSharpVersion3”、“VisualBasic”和“JScript”。默认值为“CSharp”。 是否为必需? false 位置? named 默认值 CSharp 是否接受管道输入?
xcopy C:\LPs\ C:\my_distribution\Langpacks\fr-fr\ 将每个文件夹中的语言包重命名为。 ren C:\my_distribution\Langpacks\fr-fr\Microsoft-Windows-Client-Language-Pack_x64_fr-fr...
Windows Desktop 3.0, 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Add(Image, Color) Source: ImageList.ImageCollection.cs Adds the specified image to the ImageList, using the specified color to generate the mask. C# 复制 public int Add (System.Drawing.Image value, System.Drawing.Color transparentColor); Param...
Type : Fully localized language.Installed language(s): fr-FRType : Partially localized language, MUI type.Fallback Languages en-USThe operation completed successfully. Add Language Packs Offline In Windows Image Using DISM Unmount Windows Image–Add Language Packs Offline ...
Header msctf.h DLL Msctf.dll Распространяемыекомпоненты TSF 1.0 в Windows 2000 Профессиональная См. такжераздел ITfInputProcessorProfiles ITfInputProcessorProfiles::GetActiveLanguageProfile К...
RemoteInstall\Setup%language\Images%dir_name%$oem$$1\Drivers \network adapter \MODEM \VIDEO Modify the RIS image default template (Ristndrd.sif). In the [Unattended] section, change the OemPreinstall = key value from No to Yes, and then add the OemPnPDriversPath = Driver_Path entries. ...