jTextArea1.setBackground(Color.BLUE);//jTextArea1.setFocusable(false);jTextField1 =newJTextField("jTextField1");JPanelpanel2=newJPanel(); panel2.setLayout(newFlowLayout()); panel2.add(jTextField1); panel2.add(jButton1); panel2.setBackground(Color.BLACK);// for debug onlypanel2.setP...
import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); f...
JPanel mainPanel =newJPanel(newBorderLayout()); mainPanel.add(textArea, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel buttonPanel =newJPanel(newFlowLayout()); buttonPanel.add(testButton); mainPanel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); dialog.add(mainPanel); dialog.pack(); dialog.setVisible(true); } 开发...
In Java, you can add an image to a JPanel using the drawImage() method of the Graphics class. To do this, you will need to: Create an instance of the Image class using the Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage() method and pass it the path to the image file as an argument. Image ...
finalJComponentpanel=panelProvider.createPanel(); fixPanel(panel); finalJXTaskPanetaskPane=newJXTaskPane(); taskPane.setTitle(panelProvider.getDisplayName()); taskPane.add(panel);// FIXME: pass the DataObject tpTaskPaneContainer.add(taskPane); ...
<Container class="javax.swing.JPanel" name="jPanel1"> <Properties> <Property name="background" type="java.awt.Color" editor="org.netbeans.beaninfo.editors.ColorEditor"> <Color blue="cc" green="ff" red="cc" type="rgb"/> </Property> </Properties> <Layout> <DimensionLayout dim="0"...
JComponent panel =newJPanel(newGridLayout(1,1)); panel.add(scrollPane); panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(12,12,12,12)); mainComponent = panel; } 开发者ID:apache,项目名称:incubator-netbeans,代码行数:22,代码来源:FilesModifiedConfirmation.java ...
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon("https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8384/8682624224_4e44bf947d_h.jpg"); subStream.add(new JLabel(ii)); It's meant to add JLabel with photo to JPanel called subStream. But it doesn't work, no errors or anything. Why so? Image is supposed to appear in...
UIManager.put("swing.boldmetal", Boolean.FALSE); createAndShowGUI(); } }); } } Thanks Why You need to change the return type? Instead of this JComponentpanel1=makeTextPanel("Panel #1"); use JPanelpanel1=(JPanel)makeTextPanel("Panel #1"); JTabbedPanein that panel...
But i couldn't display JTable in panel2...anyone can help me to solve the issue. Your code is not inSSCCEformat... It does not compile on a simple copy and paste and at that there is an error astable2is not declared within the methods scope of given code also there isnt any refe...