Impact on VSTO and COM add-ins The new Outlook on Windows aims to unify the extensibility experience across all Outlook platforms. To provide a more reliable and stable add-in experience, VSTO and COM add-ins aren't supported in the new Outlook on Windows. To ensure your add-in continues...
In new Outlook, you have the option to: Install add-ins from the store|Install custom add-ins|Add-ins installed by IT Admin|Use an add-in|Delete an add-in Install an add-in from the Office Store in new Outlook ...
Outlook add-ins extend or customize the Outlook UI and are developed by Microsoft and partners using our web-based platform.
Outlook アドインを使用すると、HTML、CSS、JavaScript などの使い慣れた Web テクノロジを使用して、Web、Windows、Mac、iOS など、複数のプラットフォームにわたって Outlook で実行できるソリューションを構築できます。 Outlook アドインの構築、テスト、デバッグ、発行を行う方法を学びます。
Explore native Outlook capabilities:If you find that your mission critical COM add-ins do not have an equivalent web add-in, you can explore new Outlook’s native capabilities and see if they work for your scenario. Some examples include: ...
In theAdd-Ins for Outlookdialog, you can do the following: View personally installed add-ins and admin-managed add-ins. View information about an add-in. Search and install new add-ins. Remove add-ins. Install custom add-ins by going toMy add-ins>Custom Addins>Add a custom add-in>Add...
For information about add-ins for Outlook from an end-user perspective, check outInstalled add-ins. The topic provides an overview of the add-ins and also shows you some of the add-ins for Outlook that may be installed by default.
We’re pleased to share that Mailbox 1.11 is now supported in the new Outlook for Mac. Extend the capabilities of your add-ins in the Mac client today—gather data on specific mail items for analysis, run an operation after the user dismisses the InfoBar, send an update when your meeting...
附加Outlook 项目若要将 Outlook 项目 (例如电子邮件、日历或联系人项目) 附加到撰写窗体中的邮件或约会,请指定项目的 Exchange Web Services (EWS) ID,并使用 addItemAttachmentAsync 方法。 若要获取项目的 EWS ID,请使用 item.itemId 属性。以下JavaScript 函数 addItemAttachment扩展了前面的示例,并将项目作为...
接下来是sideload 我们的 manifest 到Outlook里面。 请跟随这篇文章来部署add-ins 开始编译调试我们的outlook add-in 在terminal里面输入以下cmd npm install 在编译成功之后,我们可以打开outlook了 注意,需要用admin来打开outlook。 打开outlook之后,选中sideload相同的邮箱,add-in 已经自动加载了。