If you don’t specify a family class name, our styling toolkit will render icons in Font Awesome Classic, the original look and feel that’s always in style. But if you need to reference the Classic family, you can just add thefa-classicin your icon’s HTML class names. If you want...
const id = $("#notificationId").val().toString(); const details = { type: Office.MailboxEnums.ItemNotificationMessageType.InformationalMessage, message: "Non-persistent informational notification message with id = " + id, icon: "icon1", persistent: false }; Office.context.mailbox.item.notif...
You can add an icon file in the Visual Studio solution or use a URL for an icon.The following steps show how to add an icon file to the Visual Studio solution.In Solution Explorer, go to the folder named Images. To be displayed in the Office Add-ins drop-...
Public Interface IConvertCode Function Convert(ByVal csCode As String) As String ReadOnly Property ConverterName() As String End Interface The Convert method takes C# code as a string argument and returns Visual Basic code as a string. The ConverterName property returns the name of the converter...
Word.ImageFormat| "Unsupported" | "Undefined" | "Bmp" | "Jpeg" | "Gif" | "Tiff" | "Png" | "Icon" | "Exif" | "Wmf" | "Emf" | "Pict" | "Pdf" | "Svg" 注釈 [API セット: WordApiDesktop 1.1] 例 TypeScript // Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Off...
Create a square image that is<16x16>pixels or<32x32>pixels in size. Save the image in.icoformat. Upload thefavicon.icofile to the root directory of your website. Add the following HTML code to the<head>section of your website's HTML document, using the<link>tag:<link rel="icon" hr...
“code”属性具有设置为 HTML 文件的子“page”属性,以及设置为 JavaScript 文件的子“script”属性。 稍后的步骤将创建或编辑这些文件。 Office 使用这些值之一或另一个值,具体取决于平台。 经典Outlook on Windows 在仅限 JavaScript 的运行时中执行事件处理程序,该运行时直接加载 JavaScript 文件。 Outlook 网页版...
HTML <divid="chromeControlContainer"></div> Instantiate the control. JavaScript functionaddchromecontrol(){varoptions = {}; options.siteTitle ='{host site title}'; options.siteUrl ='{host URL}'; options.appHelpPageUrl ='{help page URL}'; options.appIconUrl ='{app icon URL}'; options...
To get an icon’s CSS class, simply find the icon font on the Font Awesome website and give it a click. If you want, then you can change the icon’s style by clicking on the different settings. In the popup, you’ll see an HTML code snippet. The CSS class is simply the text ...
Next, add the<link>index.htmlfile right below theelement. Your code should now be like this: with the relative file path of your favicon image. Save theindex.htmlfile and reload it in your web browser. Your browser tab should now contain a favicon image. ...