HA其实有很多插件供用户去安装,所以老明在这一期影片继续为大家介绍HA里的插件该如何安装,里头也包括了如何安装HA前端的商店 - HACS (Home Assistance Community Store) 用更方便的方式去下载各个强大的UI插件来美化以及弄些可以个性化自定义的设置哦!看完影片开始安装各种插件、个性化你智能家居的页面来提升体验吧!
Home Assistant Addons This is a repository of Home Assistant addons that I find useful. I make no promise to update, bug fix, or continue supporting any of these addons. I created them because they are useful to me. Feel free to fork and modify them as you see fit. If you want to...
访问 Home Assistant:在外网使用动态绑定的域名打开 Home Assistant。如果在 logs 中出现绑定成功的日志信息,即可使用域名进行远程访问。配置证书授权(CA):在 Duck DNS 插件上设置 lets_encrypt 为 true,然后在 configuration.yaml 文件中添加 https 相关代码,重启树莓派以启用 https 访问。调整端口号...
,如果搜索到Home Assistant就直接点击进入第11步,如果没有点击输入代码,代码为/config/homebridge/config.json中的pin值,我这里是903-04-303。 10. 输入完成以后会进行搜索,搜索到以后如果有提示未认证配件点击仍然添加,然后点击Home Assistant图标。 11. 之后你就可以一个个添加进来了,名称和房间可以自己编辑,如果选...
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,...
4B 上安装了 HomeAssistant 系统,本篇来介绍下 Addons、Integrations 与 HACS 的概念,以及安装一些常用的插件,并来添加第一个米家设备。 一、安装常见 Add-ons Add-ons 是加载项商店,里面有 HA 社区或者第三方开发的许多插件。Add-on 是与 HomeAssistant 并行运行的其它软件,可以通过 HomeAssistant Supervisor 安装...
Google Assistant's Interpreter Mode is extremely handy. If you use it often, you can create a home screen shortcut to it.
. If you own more than one Google Assistant-enabled smart speaker or smart display, you’ll see an icon in the bottom left corner of the screen on your Nest Hub when any audio content is playing. Tap it and you’ll be able to add or remove your other devices throughout your home....
Google Assistant routines are one of the bestfeatures added to Google Home.They save you time by automatically completing tasks from a simple phrase or time of day. Of course, we already know each routine needs a starter — either a time of day or a phrase to initiate the sequence. Someti...
Learn more about the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging.KnownMonikers.AddPhone in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Imaging namespace.