1. 打开VSCode,并在左侧的源代码管理器中选择要操作的Git仓库。 2. 打开所需的文件,并对其进行相应的修改和编辑。 3. 在VSCode的底部状态栏中,点击上图标显示”Git”。 4. 在Git面板中,可以看到工作区中所有已修改的文件。也可以通过“资源管理器”面板中的右键菜单来执行`git add`操作。 5. 对于单个文件,...
update areZshBashLoginArgs to ignore any interactive args since the default args for the setting "terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.windows": "Git Bash" is --login -i. update shellIntegration-bash.sh to avoid sending a command complete OSC when the shell first starts up as this leads to bad...
Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions 2 .gitignore Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ .vscode/** 0 comments on commit 28c2455 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
(vscode git提交到本地失败)git commit 提交时报错:husky > pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass) 错误也体现为: vscode点小√,提交到本地时失败。 原因:代码风格检查未通过 Git提交代码的时候,pre-commit(客户端)钩子,它会在Git键入提交信息前运行做代码风格检查。如果代... 查看原文 > ru...
The open the VSCode setting: cmd + , Search for "format": and enable "Format On Save" Add .prettierrc file: {"tabWidth":4,"semi":true,"singleQuote":true} Add .prettierignore file: dist package-lock.json Also you might want to make sure Prettier use eslint rules as well, not just...
De :gitlab@mg.gitlab.comgitlab@mg.gitlab.comEnvoyé : mardi 17 octobre 2023 15:19 À : Lison FANUELlfanuel@oceaneconsulting.comObjet : Re: gitlab-vscode-extension | API Unauthorized: Can't add GitLab account forhttps://example.com. Is your token valid? (#1047) ...
The open the VSCode setting: cmd + , 1. Search for "format": and enable "Format On Save" Add .prettierrc file: {"tabWidth":4,"semi":true,"singleQuote":true} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Add .prettierignore file: dist package-lock.json ...
I also have the same problem. Gitlab version if 16.8.1 curl--requestGET"PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>""https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/personal_access_tokens/self" results in 200 and a valid json: {"id":101,"name":"vscode","revoked":false,"created_at":"2024-06-01T09:35...
🤔 Could you run the following command from the integrated terminal: git ls-remote --tags What does it return? Also do you have a consistent repro of these tags showing up after you deleted a remote tag? Member eleanorjboyd commented Jan 25, 2023 I will try that command now. Also...