publicAddFileResultAddFile(stringid, IStorageFile file); 參數 id String 要加入之檔案的唯一識別碼。 file IStorageFile 要新增至使用者所選檔案清單的檔案。 傳回 AddFileResult 列舉值,指出這個 addFile 方法的結果。 適用於 產品版本 WinRTBuild 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15...
FILEADDDEFAULT 屬性 Learn 登入 Windows 應用程式開發 瀏覽 部署 平台 疑難排解 資源 儀表板 本主題的部分內容可能是機器或 AI 翻譯。 關閉警示 作業系統屬性值 卸載登錄機碼的屬性 摘要資訊資料流程 修補和升級 資料庫轉換 套件驗證 合併模組 Windows Installer 啟動載入...
addNode dmgr_host [dmgr_port] [-conntypetype] [-includeapps] [-includebuses] [-startingportportnumber] [-portpropsqualified_filename] [-nodeagentshortnamename] [-nodegroupnamename] [-registerservice] [-serviceusernamename] [-servicepasswordpassword] [-coregroupnamename] [-noagent] [-status...
mimetype of the file. path String absolute pathname to the file. The file should be world-readable, so that it can be managed by the Downloads App and any other app that is used to read it (for example, Gallery app to display the file, if the file contents represent a video/image...
Type:String[] Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False -Path Specifies the path to the app package file. An app package has an.msix,.appx,.msixbundle, or.appxbundlefilename extension. ...
Type:SwitchParameter Aliases:wi Position:Named Default value:False Required:False Accept pipeline input:False Accept wildcard characters:False Inputs String[] FileInfo Outputs None Related Links PackageManager class Sideload Apps with DISM Feedback ...
This article is part of the Accessibility help & learning content set where you can find more accessibility information on our apps. For general help, visit Microsoft Support. Use your keyboard and a screen reader to insert various web parts for ad...
Double-clicking to install the add-on from the system file browser is not supported on all operating systems. You also can install some add-ons programmatically. For more information, see matlab.addons.install. Default Add-On Installation Folder The install location of an add-on depends on ...
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