In the above command,-rspecifies that you want to append files to the archive,-venables verbose output for tracking progress, and-fspecifies the name of the tar archive. To view the contents of a tar file calledtecmint.tar, you would use the following command: $ tar -tvf tecmint.tar Ad...
PharData::addFromString—Add a file from the filesystem to the tar/zip archive 说明 publicPharData::addFromString(string$localName,string$contents):void With this method, any string can be added to the tar/zip archive. The file will be stored in the archive withlocalnameas its path. This...
1. 在构建镜像时将文件添加到镜像中: FROMubuntu:latestADDfile.txt /app/file.txt 1. 2. 上述示例中,ADD file.txt /app/file.txt表示将本地的file.txt文件复制到容器内的/app/file.txt路径。 使用-c选项将多个文件压缩成一个归档文件: dockeradd-cfile1.txt file2.txt archive.tar.gz 1. 上述示例中,...
config file "The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized" "Typewriter" like effect in a C# ...
solely based on the contents of the file, not the name of the file. For example, if an empty file happens to end with.tar.gzthis will not be recognized as a compressed file andwill notgenerate any kind of decompression error message, rather the file will simply be copied to the ...
1、如果是通过stdin输入指定Dockerfile的方式构建镜像(docker build - < somefile),不会有构建上下文,所以Dockerfile只能包含一个基于URL的ADD指令 也可以通过STDIN传入压缩文件(docker build - < archive.tar.gz),archive根目录下的docker和archive其余部分将被用于构建上下文 ...
# d. This file can go in your devspace, add the URL to SRC_URI if it's not there #<dev nick>/dist/intel-microcode/intel-microcode-collection-${COLLECTION_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz # # PV: # * the first date is upstream # * the second date is snapshot (use...
$project . '/-/archive/' . urlencode($branch) . '/' . $project . '-' . urlencode($branch) . '.tar.gz'; } else return json_encode(['ErrorMessage' => 'Git Source input Error!']); $tarfile = '/tmp/github.tar.gz'; file_put_contents($tarfile, file_get_contents($url)); $...
Dockerfile 是一个文本格式的配置文件,用户可以使用 Dockerfile 来快速创建自定义的镜像。 编写Dockerfile: 1. 基本结构 Dockerfile 由一行行命令语句组成,并且支持以 # 开头的注释行。一般而言,Dockerfile,分为四部分: ...
脚本前几行如下: #!/usr/bin/env python # Filename: """ A script to convert metal ion PDB files to mol2 files, specifically written for users. The PDB file for conversion should have a single metal ion and only. """ from __future__ import print_function...