Пример AddFieldDelimiters import arcpy field_name = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) arcpy.env.workspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) in_features = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) out_feat_class = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3) state_value = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4) # AddFieldDelimiters will ...
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class or feature layer, as well as to rasters with attribute tables.
ArcGIS批量添加字段 AddField 前些日子做了一个数据库的修改工作,要为数据添加字段,数据为Geodatabase类型,里面有90多个图层,每个图层添加6个字段,一共要做2个小时左右,而且效率比较低,容易出错,因此想到了通过程序来解决。 实现如下,首先先建立程序主窗体,包括TocControl,AxMapControl和ToolBarControl,设置好他们之间...
Field SummaryFields inherited from class com.esri.arcgis.geoprocessing.AbstractGPTool valsConstructor Summary AddField() Creates the Add Field tool with defaults. AddField(Object inTable, String fieldName, String fieldType) Creates the Add Field tool with the required parameters....
2 - Field Type: String (LONG, SHORT, DOUBLE, and so on) This example emulates the Add Field tool validation classToolValidator:def__init__(self):importarcpyself.params=arcpy.GetParameterInfo()definitializeParameters(self):# The derived output is a clone (copy) of the input#self.params[10...
Adds a field to a sublayer of a network analysis layer. Usage The tool is mostly used along with theAdd Locationstool to transfer fields from the input features to the sublayers. For example, if you want to transfer a field calledUniqueIDfrom your input features into the Facilities sublay...
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\MyDocuments\ArcGIS\AddIns\Desktop10.0 Add-ins 插件也能够通过集中式的网络在一个组织中的用户之间共享。Add-ins 插件是用.NET或者Java,还有可扩展标示语言(XML)制作的。XML描述用户的自定义信息,.NET 或者Java的类提供用户自定义的功能。ArcObjects软件的开发工具包(SD...
1 完成步骤2后,ArcGis Add-Ins创建完成,进入代码编写界面;Config.esriaddinx文件是一个XML文件,它是一个配置文件,里面包含了项目的相关配置,是自动生成的;如要修改之前创建的ArcGis Add-In的名称、版本等信息,可以在此修改;2 代码编写界面的左侧,为解决方案资源管理器;可以双击此处的Construction Tool1.cs...
arcgis 属性表字段批量删除 打arctoolbox-data management tools-fields-delete field工具加入要删除 在arcgis中画完区域后要输入属性值,但是右键层后add field不可... 要先停止编辑,才能Add Field,然后再开始编辑,才能写入内容 arcgis怎么在属性里保留两位小数 添加字段时,选择double类型,下面有两行,最下面一行输入2...
for field in fieldnames: arcpy.AddField_management(newfc, field.name, field.type, "", "", "", "", "", "", "") Thanks! Solved! Go to Solution. arcgis desktop custom script tool python Reply 0 Kudos All...