The new feature class must be in the same feature dataset as the topology. Adding a new feature class to a topology automatically makes the entire topology dirty, so when you finish adding feature classes, you need to revalidate the topology. The new features may create errors where previo...
Input Feature Class Identifies features being added to the terrain. Each feature must reside in the same feature dataset as the terrain and have its role defined through the following properties: Input Features—Name of the feature class being added to the terrain. Height Field—Field containing ...
Adding a feature to a GeodatabaseFeatureTable in a stand-alone mobile geodatabase created with ArcGIS Pro is not supported when the table participates in a controller dataset, such as a utility network or parcel fabric. Use FeatureTable.canAdd to determine if this operation is allowed. Para...
for dataset in datasets: cur.insertRow((dataset, 'Feature Class')) # Mosaic datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets(feature_type='mosaic') # For each dataset insert the name into a new row in the table. for dataset in datasets: cur.insertRow((dataset, 'Mosaic')) # Raster ...
IFeatureDataset pFeatureDataset = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenFeatureDataset(fileName);//IFeaturClassContainer可以管理IFeatureDataset中的每个要素类 IFeatureClassContainer pFeatClassContainer = (IFeatureClassContainer)pFeatureDataset;//对CAD文件中的要素进行遍历处理 IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer;for (int i ...
* [feature]add dataset classs * [] auto fixes from hooks for more information, see --- Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]>main (fish...
The chart is interactive and responds to pinch-to-zoom and dragging gestures. 5. Using Color Templates If you do not like the default colors, you can use the DataSet class's setColors method to change the color scheme. However, MPAndroidChart also comes with a number of predefined color ...
IDataset sourceDataset=(IDataset)table; IName sourceName=sourceDataset.FullName;// Create aneventsource nameusingthe propertiesandthe spatial reference. IXYEventSourceName xyEventSourceName=newXYEventSourceNameClass(); xyEventSourceName.EventProperties= xyEvent2FieldsProperties; ...
Afeature layeris a dataset in a hostedfeature service. Each feature layer containsfeatureswith a singlegeometrytype (point,line, orpolygon), and a set ofattributes. You can use feature layers to store, access, and manage large amounts of geographic data for your applications. You get features...
env.workspace = input_database feature_classes = [] feature_datasets = arcpy.ListDatasets('*', 'Feature') for dataset in feature_datasets: fclass = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*', '', dataset) for fc in fclass: feature_classes.append(os.path.join(input_database, dataset, fc)) # ...