\begin{document} \begin{table} \centering % Removed the center environment since it adds vertical white space. Instead you can use the \centering command \begin{threeparttable} \caption{Sample of table} \begin{tabular}{c c c c} % horizontal lines from the booktabs package are intended to ...
# `empty-line` allows space-only lines. no-space-check=trailing-comma,dict-separator # Maximum number of lines in a module max-module-lines=10003 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions 3 constraints.txt Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,4 +1 @@ astroid==2....
As I already wrote as answer to Beamer: Add the frame number to the footer on LaTeX.org The footline template of the split theme contains this code: \insertshorttitle\nobreak\hfill Because of the \hfill, there's empty space at the right. To remove that space and so getting the frame...
https://latex.vercel.app/ style your website like a LATEX document - (original version https://github.com/davidrzs/latexcss) https://picnicss.com/ - lightweight bootstrap alternative (2014 HN) https://github.com/gduverger/screen (inactive now) Collections of even more: https://github....
Using Markdown to Create LaTeX Image Equation for Android OneNote 2019-11-23 16:43:27 This is another One Markdown feature to create equation. This type equation is an image display in OneNote, it is not the OneNote native equation. Android OneNote Still Cannot Display Equation Android ...
In “Addition Tools” group -> click “Install LaTeX” button to install LaTeX. Usage for LaTeX in OneNote Press Alt+= to insert an equation box in OneNote page. Input: TeX Moreover, press space key, OneNote will clear the equation box, and the equation box starts entering the LaTeX ...
pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1) prctl(1) preap(1) print(1) printafm...
'application/x-latex' => 'latex', 'application/x-tex' => 'tex', 'application/pdf' => 'pdf', 'application/rtf' => 'rtf', 'application/zip' => 'zip', 'text/html' => 'htm', 'text/plain' => 'txt' ); if(substr($path , 0, 1) != '/') ...
pod2latex(1) pod2man(1) pod2text(1) pod2usage(1) podchecker(1) podgrep(1) podpath(1) pods(1) podselect(1) podtoc(1) popd(1) ppdc(1) ppdhtml(1) ppdi(1) ppdmerge(1) ppdpo(1) ppgsz(1) ppriv(1) pr(1) pr(1g) praliases(1) prctl(1) preap(1) print(1) printafm...
I used to add page numbers to my pdf using latex like in the accepted answer. Now I found an easier way: Use enscript to create empty pages with a header containing the page number, and then use pdftk with the multistamp option to put the header on your file. This bash script expects...